Sukho Thai – The Thai Foot SPA (Rs. 890 per person)


Sukho Thai is a spa primarily for your feet, but also provides massages for the back, shoulders and head.
AMBIENCE: The spa’s air smells heavenly with a concoction of various oils. The place is lit with just candles, and is awash in a comforting silence.
THE OFFERING: Sukho Thai is known for its traditional foot massage. The masseuse treats you with reverence as she rubs and kneads various oils into your skin. Within minutes you are relaxed. The massages for your shoulder and head alleviate pain and stiffness. The masseuse also stretches out your back and your limbs. At the end, you are given a bowl of fresh fruits and a cup of ginger tea.
WHAT DOESN’T WORK: Some amount of pain is understandable, but what is unacceptable is a wrong move while working on the pressure points on the soles of your feet. One incorrect move by the masseuse and you are left with a leg ache that lasts for days.
OVERALL IMPRESSION: Go to Sukho Thai when you feel stressed or burnt out. It is bound to sort you out for a few days.
Branches in Mumbai, Pune and Goa.
– Aparna Sundaresan


Volume 2 Issue 11


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