Opting to study abroad is undeniably an enriching experience. However, the flip side of the coin is that it comes with a lot of challenges. And one among many other challenges is managing your finances as an international student in a completely alien country. We have listed below a few tips that will ease the tension of keeping your finances in check while you study abroad.
Open a local bank account
First things first, a foreign bank account attracts additional fees during currency exchange. Thus, it is always advisable to open a local bank account in the country of your study. The local bank account will help you avoid paying such fees, which in turn helps you save on unnecessary expenses.
Earn while you learn

Part-time jobs are very common for students who choose to study abroad and there’s nothing to shy away from. Contrarily, it can be a great source of extra income just in time when you get your international degree. It further boosts your self-confidence and you learn to manage your finances while supporting your monetary needs. Moreover, the experience that you gain is a cherry on the cake. It adds value to your resume and you open doors to better opportunities.
Get your hands on a student card
A student card is quintessential while you study abroad as an international student. It gets you access to discounts on transportation, restaurants, shops, movie tickets, events, etc. You must also get acquainted with certain websites that offer good student discounts for shopping, etc. So, grab your student card as soon as possible.
Cook for yourself

Craving for mom’s cooked meal is always something that bothers you when you study abroad. Also, eating out every day would surely burn a hole in your pocket and disturb your finances. It is great if you can afford it. However, to stay within your budget, try your hand at cooking and preparing meals for yourself. With proper efforts and guidance from mom over Facetime, you could definitely prepare your comfort food. It’ll not only save you bucks but also help you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Get used to commuting in public transport
Commuting through public transport for daily travel in and around campus is a budget-friendly option, Find out the local bus and subway routes for easy commutation. Also, a student pass can further save your travel expenses as students are mostly offered discounts. However, if public transport causes discomfort to you, you can rent/ buy a bike. It’s a healthier option though!
Don’t invest in first-hand study material
The cost of buying study materials for your course of application while you study abroad can disturb your pre-planned budget. Instead, you can purchase second-hand books, buy them online at a lesser price or try to get free digital copies if available. Another smart choice is to join a library.
Studying abroad at your dream university with these money-managing tips in mind will surely let you enjoy your student life. Because saving a few bucks is always better than borrowing.