IIM Trichy’s PGPM Programme Welcomed by CFA Institute Into The University Recognition Programme


* Indian Institute of Management Trichy has become the first IIM to be welcomed into the CFA Institute University Recognition Programme.
* The Post Graduate Programme in Management (PGPM) offered by Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli has been acknowledged as incorporating academic courses (at least 70 percent) as per the CFA Programme Candidate Body of Knowledge and placing emphasis on the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice within the programme.
* Entry into the CFA Institute University Recognition Programme signals potential students, employers and all stakeholders, that the IIM Trichy PGPM curriculum is in sync with professional practice globally.
* As a result of this recognition, in each fiscal year, IIM Tiruchirappalli is entitled to award scholarships to a fixed number of PGPM students to take up the CFA Programme.


Volume 5 Issue 7


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