I Dare to Dream


When you meet Shireen, who was born without sight, you’d be amazed that this disability has not affected her pathways to success.
Shireen adores playing the piano and especially enjoys losing herself to the sugariness of the music. She is an extremely mobile person and does not like to sit at home.
“The most interesting first realisation was perhaps when I was very young. I realised that I was not normal like the other children I could hear around me. When I used to hear the sounds of children running around and playing, I too wanted to do the same. It was then, that I realised that I was not normal. I realised that there were some things that I wasn’t able to do,” says Shireen remembering an instance when she was young.
At the moment, she is pursuing her academic norms hand-in-hand with everything else on her plate. In the past 28 years of her life, she has achieved a lot, in fact, more than some youngsters her age have. Not only has she completed most of her education in regular schools and colleges, but she has also helped raise funds for the Happy Home and School for the Blind, where she trained young children to be a part of a choir.

The First Steps
Shireen started learning the piano at the The Happy Home and School for the Blind. In fact, this school helped shape her childhood. It was here that she learnt to read, write and become independent enough to be able to cope up with the struggles of leading a normal life just like people of the same age around her. “I remember this one time when I started playing the piano. It felt so natural and I like to think that it was this one instance when people around me realised that I might have a knack for this marvelous music organ,” recalls Shireen. It was in the Happy Home and School for the Blind itself, when her principal immediately set her up for piano classes. Ever since then, Shireen has been playing the piano melodiously.
She was later enrolled in a regular school – Avabai Petit Girls School where she was educated from class 3 to 10. One cannot even begin to imagine what it must have been like to study in an environment so different from the one that Shireen got accustomed to at the school for the visually impaired. Yet, it was apparent that she was coping terrifically well. “The most wonderful thing is that people around me have never treated me as if I was an invalid or anyone special. It’s not like they made me sit in a corner because I am visually impaired. On the contrary, I was pushed to do my best,” she says, talking about her process of learning.
She later studied at Jai Hind College for two years and then went on to pursue her graduation in psychology and literature from St Andrew’s College. At present, she is pursuing her master’s degree in linguistics from the University of Mumbai.

On Challenges
Shireen believes that when she was growing up, the main challenge was to fit in. “You have to prove to yourself that you can be capable just like others. Then only do people start relating to you. I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t know how to react when they approach me. After they speak to me they realise it’s not a very different approach!” says Shireen. “Since I can’t read notation, I play the piano by ear. But another real challenge has been my linguistic studies for which my professor guides me with extra attention as there are many visualbased things to learn,” she adds.

For the Love of Music
Shireen is part of a well-known rock band called ‘Echoes’ who are based in Mumbai. Shireen, individually, plays at various 5-star hotels such as The Taj and the Trident and intrigued many of the hotel’s visitors with beautiful renditions of songs. Her favourite music genre is jazz and fusion but she plays all types of music as she knows that she must cater to her audiences’ choice. Such is her love for music! In fact, Shireen is now part of a new band called ‘Blue Blooded’ that plays jazz and blues.

Loving Life
Shireen enjoys treks and playing games. “I love to indulge in all sorts of activities that are practically possible for me,” she says.
She has three dogs whose names are Honey, Coal and Lyka and who have been an immense support for her. “Sometimes I think they are sensitive to my blindness because they move out of the way when I’m walking’’, jokes Shireen.
In spite of being visually impaired, Shireen lives each day on this planet, enjoying it like it’s right in front of her eyes.

In the Happy Home and School for the Blind, her principal heard her play the piano and immediately set her up for classes. Ever since then, Shireen has been playing the piano melodiously and marvelously, with a sense of apparent ease.

Volume 2 Issue 1


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