How To Earn Money While In College

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Attending college is one of the first stages of career development. Naturally, it’s an ideal time to find flexible jobs or pursue side hustle ambitions that are easier to maintain with your studies. Fortunately, plenty of online and in-person opportunities exist to help you earn and support your living expenses while you complete your courses.   

This article provides some tips on how to earn money while in college. Keep reading.  

  1. Become A Tutor   

Being in college puts you in a prime position to offer tutoring services to other students who need peer help. If you’ve achieved good grades in the courses you’re studying or you can still ace high school subjects, apply to become a student tutor.   

You can offer private lessons by applying to a tutoring company or advertise your services online to parent groups. If traveling to different student locations limits your tutoring service, you can host it virtually using a video conferencing app with online collaboration tools and work with your learner in real-time.   

  1. Start A Print On Demand Business   

Print-on-demand (POD) businesses are one of the easiest jobs for students because it’s time efficient, and no startup costs are involved. This business entails working with suppliers who stock while labeling products on their website, such as t-shirts, mugs, caps, and other merch.   

You can customize each item by creating and selling designs on your digital shop. You only pay a percentage to the supplier once you’ve made a sale. If you’re going to take a training course to learn how to run a POD business, be sure to check reviews and read full article here to find out whether they’re worth investing in.   

  1. Start A Dropshipping Business  

You can start a dropshipping business for a truly entrepreneurial venture that can be lucrative if successful. It works similarly to the print-on-demand service when working with suppliers, except there’s no need for product customization as you sell the inventory.   

The low capital and easily accessible suppliers and e-commerce platforms make this a college-student-friendly business option. For a more in-depth understanding of dropshipping, you can go now and check out popular online courses that guide your business strategy to determine the right one for you.  

A key tip is to sell niched items tailored to your interests so they’re easier to market to the target demographic.  

  1. Become A Dogsitter   

If you’re an animal lover with basic skills to care for a pet, dog sitting can earn you a lot of extra income. As a dogsitter, you’ll be employed by adults and families who are away from home for long hours and need someone to provide companionship to dogs with separation anxiety or who require daily exercise and care.   

This money-making idea is one of the most time-efficient for a college student because it allows you to study while caring for the dogs in your employer’s house. You can search for dog walking jobs in your town or offer the service by advertising it online or on community boards.  

  1. Get A Part-Time Job Near Campus   
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Image Credits: Adobe Stock

Many college towns have small businesses and stores that cater to the student community. They are the perfect places to search for vacancies or seasonal work. Common jobs include cashiers, store assistants, waiters, bartenders, and receptionists.  

Once you start working, inform your employer that you’re a student so they can set your schedule to part-time hours. If you can’t find work in town, try looking at on-campus shops, bookstores, and even faculty offices looking for student assistants.  

  1. Work As A Virtual Assistant   

You can work as a virtual assistant if you’re a highly organized student with proficient time management skills. In this job, you can earn an income doing administrative and technical tasks for busy professionals such as your remote clients.   

This job can include scheduling appointments, booking travel plans, and responding to emails. If you attract a high-net-worth clientele, you’ll earn more as your pay rate could climb to USD$100 an hour. You can search for virtual assistant jobs online and through outsourcing agencies.  

Remember only to choose assistant jobs that help you balance your college coursework with work duties.  


There are plenty of ways for you to earn money while in college. These consist of school-manageable jobs such as virtual assistant and online tutoring. If you have more time to be hands-on, you can work as a dog sitter or store worker in your college town.   

Finally, the business-owning options include e-commerce models of print-on-demand and dropshipping to earn an extra income and support your finances throughout your studies.  


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