Four Major Reasons Why The Youth Should Vote


“Young voters have the power to alter our political future for the better,” said Georgia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. But how often do the youth actively participate in political affairs? Constitutions around the world are largely faced with one major challenge – the youth voter turnout rarely lives up to expectations!

With the impending 2019 elections fast approaching, there is no better time like the present to address this issue. A democracy can never function without active participation of all its citizens, yet the demographic that makes up for 50% of this citizenship struggles to exercise this right.

We give you four major reasons why you need to cast your vote for the leaders of tomorrow –

It’s your right!

Voting is an important right that must be exercised by people of all ages, especially in a world where countries without any political institutions exist, denying citizens of their basic right to vote. By voting, you are also leading by example for your friends and peers, and pass on this right to your children and the generations that come after you. This will in turn help them secure their future, just like you did yours.

Every vote counts

Voting gives you power like no other. You have the right to decide what you like, and eliminate what you don’t. If there is a political party whose beliefs and ideologies align with your fundamental beliefs, you have the power to help them lead your generation to a better tomorrow. Young voters account for nearly half the population, which means they fall with a crucial age demographic, making them a more powerful force than you imagine!

You shape your own future

Several reports have suggested that millennials are credited with former US President Barack Obama’s election for a second term, meaning that the youth also hold power to sway elections. While it is impossible to predict what your life might look like in the next five years, the leaders you elect and the policies they implement will have a significant impact during the course of your life. Remember, as you grow older, your perspective on political issues will change significantly.

Connect with politics early on

The youth have been notorious for not exercising their voting rights as often as they should, which means that they don’t touch base with politics as much as they should. It is important to familiarize yourself with the voting process early on so that it becomes a lifelong habit. As you follow news about politicians and policy initiatives, you will have greater engagement in the political world and current events around you, making you educated enough to make an informed decision about who you vote for.




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