Fastest growing financial festival – Finanza


Mithibai Finanza, the fastest growing Financial and Entrepreneurial festival, hosted by the students of Finance Department of Mithibai college Autonomous, Mumbai, inaugurated their festival on the 9th of February with a booming start with its Financial Summit with some astounding panellists. The line up of speakers included Mr. Kunal Sanghvi, Chief Financial Officer at HDFC Securities, Mr. Rajan Pental, Executive Director at Yes Bank, Mr. Naveen Bansal, Chief Financial Officer at Cipla – International Markets and Mr Rajat Kumar Singh, President (Finance) Lodha Group. Their session was moderated by Ujjwal Gadhvi who is a Financial content creator and a Chartered Accountant. The highlight of the session being the panellists addressing how finance has changed over the years and what is to be expected in years to come.

Following the session the principal addressed the committee and encouraged them with some motivating words. The Events took place in full fledge where Informals events like Razzle dazzle (a bollywood take on real life situations) Ad Mad (Product marketing with live instructions) as well as Management Events like Financial conundrum (Scam, frauds and mystery solving) Conqueror de Corporate (Corporate auction) transpired.

A speaker session with the Consul General Mr. Frank Geerkens, Consulate General of Belgium, where Mr. Geerkens addressed the attendees and spoke about the bi-lateral trade between India and Belgium along with education opportunities for Indian students in Belgium. The session was attended by a vast audience making it an incredible feat! A Fin-flea (Carnival) was set up in the admission area of the college where many small business owners put up several stalls selling a variety of products like Accessories, Gaming, Clothing and Food items. The students of Mithibai college thoroughly enjoyed the carnival.

To end the day on a happy note, Finanza had a Fables with Finanza (Talk show) session with Ayush Mehra and Aisha Ahmed who were there to promote their upcoming series Minus One which will be aired on Lionsgate play from the 14th of February. The audience had a gala time interacting and playing fun games with the cast. Ending the session with the Finanza Cheer, the team wrapped up Day 1 with broad smiles and high spirits!

Finanza kickstarted it’s second innings with its flagship, stock exchange event ‘Mock Stock’ which gave the audience a taste of the traditional ring trading of the early 90’s. Team Finanza’s realistic simulation of the former times suffused great zeal and energy in the atmosphere.The scheduled events: Marketing Maverick (Marketing Event) and Cataclysm Scene (Crisis Management Event)  under the Department of Management Events and Treasure Hunt and Flip Slip Drip() under the Informals Department were smoothly conducted.

Three sessions of Fables with Finanza were organised, welcoming the famed Mr. Prakash Gaba (Trading Mentor, CNBC anchor), Miss Mansi Zaveri (Founder, Kidstoppress) and Krompton and Neyoo (famous E- Sports personalities) respectively. The sessions left the audience inspired and motivated, with valuable lessons to remember for a lifetime. “FinFlea,” the colourful and vibrant display of stalls was arranged for the second time, there was a soulful live performance by several artists. All attendees enjoyed the food, flea and music. The zest and competitiveness of the participants in turn energised the entirety of Team Finanza to deliver more than their best.

By the end of the day, the team was overwhelmed by the participation and response to Financial 2023. The efforts and hours of work put in by each and every member of the talented and driven work force truly realised the vision of Finanza 2023. Having registered a path breaking success, Team Finanza truly did live up to what it called it’s ‘ Golden Edition’


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