Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Pegasus spyware

Pegasus Putting Persons Of Importance In India Under The Radar

Recently, the phones of a few union ministers, leaders of opposition parties, activists, heads of security organizations and journalists from India were...
Email Inbox

A Simple Guide To Help You Keep Your Email Inbox Organised & Clean

Let’s face it, our email inbox is on the brink of explosion due to the incoming emails that keep pouring in every...

New Feature Arriving Soon On Our WhatsApp. What Is It?

Facebook’s WhatsApp has been introducing new features to make the use of the app, not just fun but also convenient for the...

Balance Your Reel and Real Life: Take A Break From The Online World

In today’s online world, it often becomes difficult to draw the line between your digital life and your actual life, considering everything...
Digital SAT

The Digital SAT: Know About The Latest Advancements

The SAT, a widely recognized standardized test for college admission, is administered by the College Board and is mandatory for students who...
social media etiquette

Exploring the Digital Realm: A Direct to Social Media Etiquette 

In today's bustling world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It serves not as a way to...

IIT Bombay And Microsoft Sign A MoU To Empower Startups

The Institute of Indian Technology (IIT Bombay) recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Microsoft to empower and support start-ups. This...

EVs Flourishing In India: What Does The Future Hold?

Electric vehicles (EVs) have sparked a lot of attention lately as a more sustainable and more effective alternative to conventional gasoline-powered cars....
social media

Why Having A Social Media Presence Is A Must For A Successful Business

Social media has started to become a major and essential component of building a business and many companies have had major successes...
iPhone 15

Five Reasons to Upgrade to iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Max

Apple continues to push the boundaries of innovation, consistently delivering smartphones that redefine user experiences and set new benchmarks for the industry....