Monday, June 17, 2024

Balance Your Reel and Real Life: Take A Break From The Online World

In today’s online world, it often becomes difficult to draw the line between your digital life and your actual life, considering everything...
writer's block

How You Can Overcome Writer’s Block With Artificial Intelligence

One of the most frustrating things as a writer is staring at your notebook or screen, trying to think of the perfect...
digital footprint

Is It That Important To Clean Up Your Digital Footprint? Here’s What You Can...

The internet has been around for quite a while, and we’ve put much of our data on it. Whether it was posting...

5 Tips To Creating An Unbeatable Facebook Ad Campaign

Facebook initially was the platform for communication, now it’s a popular marketplace that, with properly managed advertising campaigns, can help you to...
social media etiquette

Exploring the Digital Realm: A Direct to Social Media Etiquette 

In today's bustling world, social media has become an integral part of our daily lives. It serves not as a way to...
Linkedin Profile

Six Ways To Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile To Land Your Dream Job 

LinkedIn has developed into a critical platform for professional networking and job searching, with over 740 million users worldwide. As the digital...
precision medicine

Precision Medicine & Genomics In India

Precision medicine is reshaping conventional diagnostics and drug therapy by customising treatments to each patient's genetic profile. Genetic fingerprints are used in...
education system

Artificial Intelligence And The Need To Change The Education System

It is no secret that there is an urgent need for reforms in the Indian education system. Due to stressful exams and...
gaming smartphones

5 Budget-friendly Gaming Smartphones To Elevate Your Gaming Experience

Are you unable to pursue your passion for gaming because of the high cost of high-end flagship smartphones that provide an excellent...

Underestimating The Potential Of LinkedIn, A Blunder That’s Unaffordable

It’s no longer enough to just create a LinkedIn profile. The platform today is exploding with immense potential. From helping individuals get...