Sunday, May 5, 2024
Rekindle Your Faded Friendship

6 Best Ways To Rekindle Your Faded Friendship

As friends grow up they also grow apart. That is the way of life. But you can change it if you really...
relationships today

Relationships Today

Maybe it's a trend or maybe a lifestyle, but it is time to bring it out into  the lime light! Hook-ups are in demand...

Eat. Sleep. Cheat. Repeat.

With cheating becoming the new normal in modern relationships, Palak Kapadia lists telltale signs to identify that your partner might be cheating on you...
Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day On A Budget: Affordable Ways To Celebrate Love

As Valentine's Day approaches, the desire to express love and affection often comes hand in hand with concerns about budget constraints. However,...

Valentine Quick Fix

Haven’t decided what to gift bae yet? If you’ve been dazed off and still don’t know, we have a quick-fix for you. Last-minute gifting...

Teach Cheats

Suchita Parikh asks if technology is making it easier for one to cheat and another to catch you in the act!

Why I Lie To My Parents About How Much Money I Make

I love my parents dearly and will always be grateful for the love they’ve shown me. That’s why lying to them about how much...

How Facebook affects your love life

                                                                                                                                                                              Source: Julianna Rae
virtual relationships

Relationships Over The Net

Technology and the Internet have changed a lot of things in our world, including human communication and relationships. Janvi Manchanda tells us more about what virtual...
speed dating

Speed Dating In India: Why We Still Might Be Skeptical

“Speed dating”, a relatively western concept, is a formalized matchmaking dating system, where singles meet a large number of new people and find their...