Sunday, June 16, 2024
sex education

Why Is Sex Education At The Right Age Imperative For Teens?

Sex and sex education has always been a hush-hush topic for several individuals across India. More than just a topic covered in...

Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Longstanding Struggle

The Israel-Palestine conflict, one of the world's most enduring and contentious disputes, has captured global attention for decades. Rooted in historical, political,...
climate education

Ministry Of Education & UNICEF Take Initiative To Advance Climate Education 

In a groundbreaking collaboration, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has teamed up with the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to introduce the...
Khasi Tribe

Khasi Tribe of Northeast India: Guardians of Culture and Nature

Nestled in the lush green hills of Northeast India, the Khasi tribe is a unique and vibrant indigenous community that calls the...
The Lost Art of Reading

The Lost Art of Reading and How to Revive It

In the digital age, where information flows incessantly through our screens, and attention spans seem to dwindle by the minute, the art...

UNSC Reform: India’s Quest for a Permanent Seat

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) was established in the aftermath of World War II with the noble objective of preserving international...
Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities in India Post G-20 Summit 2023

The G-20 Summit of 2023, a momentous occasion for India, not only exemplified its prowess as a gracious host on the global...
Reservation System

Reservation System: The Struggle Between Meritocracy And Equity

India's reservation system has been a pivotal instrument for addressing historical social inequities. Originally designed to uplift marginalized communities, it has played...

Competitive Exams: A Chapter, Not The Whole Story

Competitive examinations represent merely one thread in the magnificent fabric of life. However, for many aspirants, they evolve into an all-encompassing endeavour,...
board examinations

Board Examinations To Be Held Twice: What Does It Mean?

The National Council of Education and Research has introduced National Education Policy 2023 which will be implemented in the year 2024. There...