Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Chalk Talk

Do You Love Children and have a Passion for Inspiring and touching lives? Explore the Prospects of a Career in Early Childhood Education We always...

Where Great Minds Met..

NAFSA-Association of International Educators is the world's largest non-profit professional association dedicated to international education. NAFSA believes that international education and exchange is fundamental...

Another Person to Pres-N-Indent?

The announcement of the candidature of the 13th President of India has shaken the roots of Indian politics. Alliances being broken, rumours being circulated...

Go West?

Are you confused whether to study in India or abroad. We offer you some clarity on this dilemma!

An Evening of Inspiration

The inauguration of 'Inspiration', an initiative started by the enterprising students of Whistling Woods International, proved to e a truly enriching experience

Through a Child's Eyes

Sanghamitra Shastri speaks about coping with life as a child of divorce

I'm Gay and that's OK!

In a country that still fails to accept homosexuality, 20-year-old Gladwyn Jones speaks about love knowing no gender and his experience of coming out of the closet

Living in the Shadows

Priyanka Sahajwani shares her story about battling the pressures of having a sibling who is an over-achiever

I Dare to Dream

Shireen Irani, visually impaired from birth, doesn't just play the piano from her heart, she also lives the same way

Testing Times

In a country where a student's potential is determined solely by his or her marks, dealing with a learning disorder can be quite challenging. Ankit Shah shares how dyslexia helped him learn some important life lessons