Friday, May 10, 2024
cabin crew

Up in the Air

A career as a cabin crew member is no longer as esteemed as it once was, and the number of applicants is declining year-by-year. Yet, many aspire to travelling the skies as their profession. Youth Inc investigates the high-fliers who are keeping it in the game

My Muse is Life

Rouble Nagi is a talented artist with passion and drive. Before reaching the age of 30, this young achiever has made a name for herself both nationally and internationally. Youth Inc caught up with this charismatic prodigy

In Practice

Physiotherapists Bhani Chandok and Kunal Merchant talk to Shraddha Kamdar about their varied experiences in the field
Workplace Communication

Think before you Speak

Important Factors That are Often Not Covered in Workplace Communication Workshops

The Number Game

It's like being a doctor, but for the financial well-being of your clients. Youth Inc takes a look at what it takes to be a chartered accountant
career in graphic designing

A Brush with a Mouse

Technologies advance and with that our visual expectations. Youth Inc gives you a low down on what it takes to make a career in this colourful, creative, and dynamic field


The beginning of a revolution - By Priyanka Mehra

The Social Net 'Worth'

You don't need to be Salman Khan to give back to society. Hell, you don't even need to be anyone quite famous. All you need to do is to consider a career in social work
Internship Abroad

First Week On The Job

You've landed your dream job, and are about to enter the office on your first day. You can't even begin to describe the feeling - nervous energy mixed with hope and fear. Priyanka Mehra tells you how to get through it all

Graphology: Art Of Reading Of An Individual’s Personality

Graphology is becoming a popular career as personality analysis finds application to a variety of fields, from HR to Teaching and Crime to Therapy. Manaklal Agarwal explains this psychological science