Friday, July 5, 2024
university interview questions

Common University Admission Interview Questions And How To Answer Them

There are a couple of universities that have an interview round to their admission process, because they don’t just want a student who is good...

Body Wise

A fitness enthusiast and a go-getter by nature, we talk to entrepreneur Neha Motwani, founder and CEO of Fitternity about how she nurtured her brainchild What convinced...

Lessons from the World's Oldest Democracy

NISARG KAMDAR EXPLORES THE AMERICAN ELECTION PROCESS AND FINDS VALUABLE LESSONS FOR INDIA The two-year-running acrimonious battle to be elected to the august office of...
Soft skills

Honing Soft Skills In College: A Necessity

Soft skills also known as professional skills differ from hard skills that are more tangible and technical. These skills are more rooted...
jingle writing

A Career In Jingle Writing

We all have grown up listening to and humming jingles of our favorite ads, be it of Poppins, Nirma detergent, or Vicco...

Career Options In The Arts Stream

Arts is a pretty broad-ranged category, so  we have picked the top 3 professions to  get into after pursuing  Arts. Arts : Writer/Journalist/Editor There are many...
Government jobs

The Obsession For Government Jobs In India

Clearing a government job exam in this country is considered a tremendous accomplishment. And if you against all odds get recruited in...

Mentorship: Who Can You Look Up To and Where Can You Find Them?

The concept of mentorship initially started as an informal idea where a learned person with experience, guides a less experienced, often younger...

Beat Feats

Ankit Kocher, Aka DJ Ankytrixx, speaks about his journey into the world of electronic dance music

Growing Your Career As A Freelancer: What To Do?

The freelance industry is flourishing as more individuals offer their services as independent contractors. Freelancing is a great choice for starting a...