Jobs For People Who Love To Read

Photo by Daniel on Unsplash

For a reader, reading is a lot like travelling to different places, minus the hassles of actually, physically travelling. Every avid reader fantasizes about a job where all they’d have to do is read, and get paid for it. Imagine being paid to do what you really love – to bury yourself in a book for hours on end –  it’s the stuff readers’ dreams are made of. This is where ‘do what you love and it won’t feel like work’ actually seems true and there are jobs where one can actually do this. Here are some jobs for the uninitiated, who love reading.


If reading all day is what you want to do, literally, then there’s no job better than a publisher. Working at a publishing house is a job that is made for a reader. As a publisher, you will be in charge of reading final drafts of books and giving inputs before they get published. How amazing would that be, getting to read books even before they hit the market? Your job will require you to read various drafts, across different genres. You’re not complaining though, are you?


Being surrounded by hundreds and thousands of books all day, now that is something every reader secretly wishes for. A library is not just a library for a reader. It’s his paradise, where he can explore various works and immerse himself in a book (or two!) all day long, without anyone bothering him. However, working as a librarian, even though you’ll be literally surrounded by books, you will not be reading as much. But you do get to share your love for books with like-minded people. You will also get to lay your hands on a lot of latest books and even rare copies. How cool is that!


For someone who loves to read, writing is a natural progression. A lot of readers love writing. For all those people, being a novelist is the profession to choose. You think you can cook up stories better than your grandmother? Have you always been the kid who weaves intricate stories? You’re all set to be a novelist then. Sit in front of the laptop, and start working on your bestseller already!


It is an obvious fact that readers are going to be grammar-nazis. It’s not unusual to find readers scrunching their noses at the slightest use of incorrect grammar. If you exhibit these qualities, then you’re an editor waiting to be out in the world, fighting incorrect grammar and thinking how stupid these mortals can be, all the while maintaining a calm demeanor.  Being an editor, you would be required to check copies for grammatical errors and readability. An editor plays a very important role in any organization because he or she approves the final copy before it is printed, be it a newspaper article or a magazine story. If the editor makes even a small mistake, it may cost the organization a lot in terms of its credibility.


A job in a media house or in a newspaper or magazine is another job recommended for you true-blue readers.  Reporting is not merely creating a three hundred word report on an incident. It involves in-depth research and knowledge on the topic that’s being written about. A reporter has to be very precise when writing a report, while at the same time giving all the necessary information in language that is easy to understand. To be able to write well, one obviously has to do a lot of reading. Even researching for stories requires a lot of reading.


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