Beauty and the Bass


When did you decide that you wanted to become a DJ? Did you face any challenges along the way?
When I was living in Australia from 2005 – 2008, my flatmate had a pair of decks that he let me mess around with. I was terrible when I first started. It was much harder than it looked, but it kept me interested, so much so that I quit my job as a banker and moved back to India to pursue my new career interest. As for the challenges, it’s like any other job; it’s a constant learning experience. There’s a huge difference between practicing in your bedroom and playing in a packed nightclub. But, you get used to it and you try and build on that experience.

Are you a full-time musician and DJ? Do you have a day job?
DJing and music production are my only jobs. Music production takes a long time to put together, and you need to work on it every day. But, you really can’t have a DJ career without making music as well these days.

You have crossed boundaries and played sets around the world. Tell us more.
I’ve been fortunate enough to play in some of my favourite cities and clubs over the last few years; from Bar 25 in Berlin to Public Life in London and some places in Copenhagen. Playing overseas is a lot of fun and a challenge too as the crowds in each city can be different. I try to visit Europe every summer!

Do you also produce your own tracks?
Yes, I have been producing for about a year, and I have four releases currently. Besides, I have four more tracks almost ready to go. I’ll soon be selling them to labels over the next few months. Production is a critical part of the game these days, and this is only the beginning for me.

Your thoughts on the explosive dance music culture that has taken India by storm?
Dance music has emerged in India in a big way and its only going to get bigger. It’s a growing market and I’m glad to be involved. I’m doing my part to push the scene forward.

What’s the best thing about being a DJ?
It is the single most fun thing to do provided you have the right spirit for it. Plus, you get to travel and meet new people!

A piece of advice for budding DJs out there?
Being a DJ is a lot of fun and a lot of work at the same time. In any creative field, the amount you put into it determines the amount you get out of it. Be yourself and become a DJ because you love music and not for any other reason.

What’s it like to be a DJ in a scene where there aren’t too many girls doing this?
Some of the biggest DJs in the world are women at the moment and that’s really encouraging!

What music do you get drawn to?
I like a lot of different forms of music. I’m an 80s child and I love disco. Anything funky and soulful gets me grooving.

My Sennheiser HD-25s headphones!

INFLUENCES: I’m a big fan of the Maceo Plex sound, Okain and Robert Dietz.

Volume 1 Issue 12


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