Aaveg 2020, The Inter-Collegiate Festival Of Sathaye College Concludes

Aaveg 2020

“AAVEG 2020: Intensify Your Passion”, an inter-collegiate festival launched by the Elocution and Debate Association of Sathaye College, Vile Parle- East successfully celebrated the Art of Public Speaking on the 7th & 8th of February, 2020.  Gracing the festival with their presence were eminent personalities and Guest lecturers, Mr. Sanjeev Khandekar (Author, Poet, Philosopher) on Day 1  & Mr. Ravindra Lakhe (Drama Director, & Poet) on Day 2.

The competitions on Day 1 namely, Tol Mol Ke Bol (Elocution) received its 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners as Yash Patil (Birla college), Juilee Joshi (Mumbai University) and Farah Noorani (Mithibai college). Likewise captivating the audience with their stories in Tell a Tale (Storytelling) were the 1st and 2nd rank holders Vishakha Vishwanath (C.H.M. college) and Monisha Bohra (Dalmia College). Putting forth their concrete views on the topic- CAA (Citizenship Amendment Act) – Good or Bad and also rebuking the opposite resolution were winners of War of Words, Suraj Mhashelkar (For the motion) and, Shailesh Kondaskar (Against the motion), both from Mumbai University.

Day 2 witnessed a thrilling Literary Treasure Hunt named Big Shot Lingo with the winning trio, Diana Fernandes, Shani Singh and Siddhi Kadam ( St. John College of Engineering & Management, Palghar). Following which was a unique event named Netaji (recreation of the General Secretary Elections of Sathaye College) with its Winner, Yash Patil (Birla college).

Congratulating Team AAVEG, the Principal of Sathaye college, Dr. Madhav R. Rajwade said that he liked the vibe AAVEG has created. Also, the fact that the team could get a couple of Book Publications to the campus for students, which is quite an essential aspect of any literary event. He noted that the novelty of the events is worth appreciating. Towards the conclusion, he wished Team AAVEG with good luck and hope and trust that AAVEG will surpass most of the other senior festivals of the college in times to come.

With its successful debut, AAVEG promises to always provide a platform to young, enthusiastic and talented orators to Intensify their Passion for Eloquence!


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