5 Questions To Ask Yourself While Planning To Study Abroad

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Studying abroad can be a huge change for most people. It takes a huge hit on student finances and can be a huge cultural overhaul. These decisions are not easy to make considering the number of factors that need to be taken under consideration. Without proper exposure and conversation with the right people, this decision can become an even more difficult choice to make. The initial confusion that students face in deciding if they are ready to study abroad can cause quite a conundrum. 

Here are 5 questions you must ask yourself while deciding to study abroad 

1.Will I get homesick?

Living in a different country will sometimes be difficult. Homesickness is not unusual to strike especially on days like birthdays, festivals or someday when you just miss food from home. Homesickness is not something you can prepare for and most people can learn to take it under their wing and move forward, but you should be confident about yourself and know that you are able to take it in your stride. Surprisingly for a lot of people who are eager to study abroad, the intensity of homesickness may fade over time, but it does not go away completely. Homesickness is not a sign of weakness and whilst there is no panacea for homesickness over time most people develop a coping mechanism.

2) Can you afford it?

Going abroad, fees for universities in many cases are already expensive for international students. It is also easy for students to get trapped into spending more, travelling places, and trying out different things. All these experiences form a vital part of your stay in a new country, but affordability can sometimes discourage such spending. Many universities and countries have established grants and scholarships that can help students support their tuition, room, and board during their period of study at the college.

3) Will I enjoy it?

Studying abroad is not a cakewalk. Travelling abroad isn’t going to give you the same thrill as studying abroad, they are two different phases of life. It is a broad question to ask. There are two parts to it, firstly will you enjoy staying abroad and secondly will you enjoy studying. The ability to enjoy your stay is going to be completely hinged upon you. You will gain a different kind of insight into cultures and get to engage with a wide variety of people and opening up to them and embracing this is going to leave you recharged and make you independent.

4) Am I going to be bullied?

Bullying is a serious problem. This disadvantage may or may not be very common. Bullying and racism isn’t a problem that has been completely eradicated yet and so it is a valid question to ask. Most campuses have counsellors and helplines available for just these kinds of situations. Don’t be afraid to talk to the right people and they will be able to help you out. This isn’t just a problem abroad and such an incident can take place whilst studying at home as well, but you can’t prepare for such a face-off if such an unfortunate event does take place, approach someone at the earliest to prevent the problem from escalating.

5) What will I achieve studying abroad that is going to be different from studying at home?

It is necessary for a prospective student to identify what it is that they wish to do. To be confused is understandable but to pack your bags and fly to the other side of the world without having a clue regarding what you’re going to do might do more harm than good. Students who know what course they wish to pursue should try to establish points of reference in comparison to colleges in your home country as compared to the international school an understand how it is going to help you advance in your field or in life.

If you are planning to go abroad, then make sure you ask yourself these questions and get a proper answer to these. 


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