Don’t Say Cheese

Cheesy pick-up lines

The first impression is said to be the last impression.  And if you’re on Tinder, you’ll know the importance of that opening line. No matter how cheesy they sound, they could be cute and flattering to hear! So we listed down the cheesiest pick up lines for you that are sure to tickle your funny bone!

Applying mathematics principles for real

Cheesy Pick-up lines

Microsoft to the rescue

Cheesy Pick-up lines

Does it sound like the best pickup line a man can use?

Cheesy Pick-up lines

We call this the perfect cheesy pick up line ‘material’

Cheesy Pick-up lines

Now that’s what we call impeccable

Cheesy pick-up lines

This one is ‘driving’ us crazy for sure

Cheesy pick-up lines

Getting the ‘me and you’ cheesy pick up line right

Cheesy pick-up lines

Feel some sugar overdose?

Giving the cuteness cue

Cheesy pick-up lines

This one feels too tharki for Turkey

Cheesy pick-up lines

Share with us the best pickup lines you’ve come across


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