Junior Editorial Board 2013


After sifting through hundreds of applications we found 15 budding writers to form the Junior Editorial Board of 20B. Our enthusiastic team, who put together our second anniversary issue, share their experience of working for the editorial team of a magazine

Being a part of JEB 2013 was as incredible as it can get. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity to know and experience the workings of a magazine house in depth. Apart from being a great learning experience, being associated with Youth Inc was exciting and fun-filled. – Shiuli Dutta


JEB is like a dream come true. The members of Youth Incorporated and JEB possess tremendous knowledge and skill. The most fascinating thing of JEB was that it gave us the freedom to shoot our ideas aloud and our ideas were respected. It taught me to ‘think’ and write articles in different angles. – Ronald Rodrigues

Being a member of the JEB meant a lot of responsibility, challenges and also some serious work to be done for a national magazine. Overall a learning experience where I had a chance to understand the inside of a magazine and learn every bit of what goes into getting the magazine on the stands. In one word – UNFORGETTABLE!! – Srishti Jain

Writing for Youth Inc was an eye -opener.  Getting to go through the entire process of interviewing, preparing visuals and writing an article was are warding experience. Learning that real life doesn’t work like a class assignment was a wake-up call, but getting a chance to be published was wort hit. – Dushyant Shekhawat


At Youth Inc, I picked up the intricacies of magazine making, right from brainstorming for ideas and penning down articles to getting the final magazine in place, complete with design, I had something new to learn at every step. JEB taught me how different writing for myself was, from writing professionally.  I’d like to thank Youth Inc for helping me grow as a writer. I couldn’t have found a better way to spend my summer holidays! – Palak Kapadia

JEB has been one of the best experiences of my life. Apart from being a lot of fun, there was so much to learn! The constant help given by the Youth Inc team helped me grow from a keen writer to someone who could write something that’s worth reading. All in all, this was one of the best things that happened to me. It’s an experience I’ll always cherish. – Anshika Sethi

I’m one of the youngest members of JEB wi th no experience of working with a magazine and Youth Inc still gave me a chance to showcase my talent. I’ve had the best time working here, had the most delicious coffee while brain storming over the ideas and the most amazing people to work with. Thank you for providing me with great memories, skills and familiarity with the Youth Inc world! – Isha Mathur

Youth Inc makes sure every day in JEB is better than the last. So while the bylines are ego-boosting, the number of interesting friends I have made, the way I’ve connected with long-lost acquaintances for my articles and the most fun meetings I’ve ever had have all been memorable. It is both daunting and exciting to create something, and I hope you like this issue! – Jai Vipra

JEB offered more than the usual boring internships, where at times you have nothing to do. Planning the articles to be carried, writing them, sharing space with like-minded people and the whole experience of working towards getting the magazine ready to go in print; has been great. – Junisha Dama

Through JEB I got a chance to work with a bunch of talented individuals from various media schools, some of whom were as young as 16. To have been able to learn and brainstorm over stories with this diverse group was enriching to say the least. – Nathaniel D’Costa


JEB 2013 has been a fine learning experience. Because of JEB, now I can not only say that I know how a magazine goes from thought to print but, I can also quite happily say that I was a part of that process. – Nooriyah Merchant

The opportunity to write for a magazine with nationwide circulation does not come around very often. More often than not interns are used as a walking coffee maker, with the occasional chance to staple a couple of ‘important’ papers. However, at Youth Inc, we were actually given the freedom to choose and write about topics, with proper guidance. – Rameez Shaikh

A month as a member of the JEB was all that was needed to give me, a fresher in the world of journalism, a taste of what i t‘s like to reach out to the masses through print media. The experience highlighted the fact that work and fun can exist together. – Shahid Judge


This was my first experience with working in a magazine and it has encouraged me to want to continue in a magazine. Right from deciding the theme, to brainstorming for story ideas, to selecting the cover story, and finally to writing the article; it has been an extremely enriching journey. – Shruti Nagabhushan

I was surprised and a little intimidated to find out t hat I was the youngest JEB member! Vatsala, my editor, worked with me very encouragingly and treated me at par with everybody which helped me keep my confidence. She also taught me that though one may not always get the article they want to work on, one must be patient and make the best of it.  I’m grateful to Youth Inc for having looked beyond my age and still give me this  opportunity.  – Sukriti Jha


Volume 3 Issue 1



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