5 Ways To Foster An Entrepreneurial Culture At The Workplace


Being an entrepreneur lets you work with a large group of like-minded and interesting individuals. And if they’re determined on climbing up the ropes in your organisation, they may go on to take over the reins from you, when the time comes – which is why you need to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture in the organisation right from the get-go. There are a lot of factors that go into achieving this, and here are some of them –

Encourage creativity, new ideas and concepts

A creative mind provides that competitive edge a company needs to foster an entrepreneurial culture. Innovation is the first step towards being a successful entrepreneur, and new ideas and concepts are the driving forces that keep a business running. This enforcement will make them feel like they’re making a significant impact, thus helping them become a lot more proactive.

Be accepting of failures

Don’t look at failures as fallbacks but opportunities for your employees to learn a lesson or two. The fear of failure is what makes most employees keep away from taking risks. But if you have faith that they will succeed, it motivates them to try their level best. Remember, being accepting of their shortcomings, and knowing that failures are a part and parcel of success is what makes you a successful entrepreneur.

Lead by example

 Take a few risks of your own, and if you fail, it is completely alright. You need to show your employees that failure is okay, and the best way to do this is to be accepting of your own mistakes. You need to mentor your employees, so that they may earn from a page out of your very own book.

Provide Feedback

Hold weekly meetings to let the team know how they’re performing. Tell them about the areas that need improvement, and advise them on ways to do so. You don’t have to bash your employees if their performance isn’t up to the mark, a little constructive criticism will help them improve wherever needed. At the same time, if an employee has performed noticeably well, let him/her know about it – it is the exact push they need to work harder and raise the bar for themselves.

Ask them for their opinion

It is never below your dignity to ask your employee for their opinions on a particular concept, because chances are, they’ll make a significant impact to the company. You must be open to all ideas, and give them a chance to voice them. Create a culture where ideas and opinions are welcomed, and not shut down.


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