5 Simple Ways to Show Our Elderly Family Members That We Care for Them

elderly family members
Image Credits: Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

For many people, family comes first before anything else. Unfortunately, the ageing process is inevitable, so as our loved ones enter their senior years, they may require additional care and support. If you are trying to juggle family and work commitments, you may not have the time to be a caregiver for your loved one. However, there are things that you can do to show that you’re there for your senior family members. Whether it’s your parents or another relative, here are 5 simple tips you can use to ensure that they feel loved and supported throughout their senior years.

Regular Visits

While many of us lead busy lifestyles, with full time jobs and more commitments than we would like, you should still try and find some time in the day to speak with your senior loved one. If your schedule has taken over your life, it’s important that you don’t neglect your parents and their overall health and wellbeing. Visiting them regularly will make a big difference to their state of mind, knowing that there are people who care about them. Even if your loved ones have dementia and may not recognize you, you can be safe in the knowledge that you’re doing everything you can to support them.

Maintain Frequent Contact

If you don’t live nearby to your elderly family members, there are lots of ways that you can keep in touch. Video conferencing software like Skype and Zoom mean that you can visually see your loved ones no matter where you are in the world. If your senior loved one isn’t tech-savvy, a quick phone call to check in on them can put your mind at ease that they’re doing okay and are well looked after. For many seniors who live on their own, your phone call may be the one form of contact that they have that day, so make sure that you get into the habit of calling them.

Encourage Social Activity

elderly family members
Image Credits: istockphoto

Whether your elderly family members live on their own, with a partner, or in a care facility, encouraging social activity can change their mindset for the better, helping them to feel more positive and upbeat. If you’re unable to see your loved one in person, you can conduct a quick Google search for community activities in their area that can be a great chance for them to get outdoors and engage with other senior citizens. Activities like bingo and bocce can be great fun for your elderly family member, but if you’re worried about their mobility, there are electric mobility scooters that can help. You can compare different manufacturers’ offerings to find the right device for your loved one.

Hire Help

We all want our elderly family members to be well looked after in their senior years, but with bills to pay and families to feed, becoming a caregiver for your loved one may not be possible. If you have noticed that your senior loved one’s health has declined, you need to take action to ensure they are receiving the best care possible. Although they may be reluctant at first, having a licensed person to come in and provide home care can put your mind at ease that they’re receiving the best support possible. In time, your elderly relative will appreciate that you have done this with their best interests at heart. 

Speak with Other Family Members

If you aren’t sure how to be there for your elderly family members, you may benefit from speaking to siblings or other relatives about what practices to use. Speaking to those who are in the same position as you will give you more clarity on what steps to take. 

As our loved ones get older, you may find it hard to be there for them all the time. No one wants to imagine their elderly family members feeling alone and isolated, so it’s important that you do everything you can to provide support, love and assistance throughout their senior years.


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