When work life gets stressful, health problems are not too far behind. One of the most overlooked health problem is the incorrect postures that we sit or stand in as we work . A person’s posture has a profound effect on how they feel, function and overall well being. Deeksha Khanna brings you important postural tips to keep in mind
The best way to sit is to keep your back straight and shoulders back. Distribute your body weight evenly on both hips and keep your ankle below at the hip level. Keep your feet flat on the floor and avoid sitting in the same position for more than 30 minutes. When selecting a chair for your study tables choose the one with the firm back and get up and stretch frequently. These are small things but if you consciously make an effort to sit like this your posture will improve.
Keep your feet shoulder width apart and let your arms hand loosely down the sides of your body. Stand tall and proud, push your shoulders at the back and suck your stomach in, keep your head in line with your shoulders. Shift your weight from your toes to your heels and from one foot to the other if you have to stand for a long time.
Find a correct mattress for you- though firm mattress is recommended, some people may prefer softer ones. Comfort is important. Always sleep with a pillow to make your head level with your spine; special pillows are also available to help with poor sleeping positions. Sleep on your side with your knees bent or sleep on your back, avoid sleeping on your stomach. recommended, some people may prefer softer ones. Comfort
Standing up straight can take up to 2 kilograms off your body frame, so using a good posture is an excellent way to improve your look. The moment you can improve your posture you can instantly see a difference in the way you look, people look more attractive when they stand tall.
A good posture influences a number of things, such as lesser back pain, greater energy levels and better levels of concentration. When a person slouches, less oxygen goes into their body, which can be a primary reason for fatigue. When you have a proper posture, your lungs will open up and more oxygen will enter your body, enhancing your energy levels.
Good postures allow the muscles to work more efficiently and helps prevent muscle strain, overuse disorders and even back and muscular pain. Take 1-2 minute break after every twenty minutes when you work at a computer screen. Keep the computer screen 15 degrees below your eye level and get up and walk around after every hour.
Make sure to set reminders when you are at work to remind you to take breaks and stretch. The workplace is where most people mess up their posture the most, so it’s necessary that when you are sitting for hours to remind yourself to sit up straight.
To help relieve your muscles and help your postures do small exercises. You can lie down on the floor and press your back as hard as you can on the floor and squeeze your stomach and hold it there for twenty counts. After which you release and repeat for four to five times more. This will help you get better control over your postural position and train your body so that you make obtain better overall body posture.
When you workout also make sure you do back muscle exercises too, to strengthen your back. Good back
building exercises include – bent over rows, pulls ups, pull downs, single arm rows and also reverse hyperextensions. These will strengthen the muscle that is required for a good posture, so you won’t be fatigued while maintaining it. Also do exercises to strengthen your core, as a good core is important for posture management.
Long-term postural problems will typically take longer to address than short-lived ones, as often the joints have adapted to your long-standing poor posture. The correct posture for standing, sitting, and lying down will gradually replace your old posture. This, in turn, will help you move toward a better and healthier body position. It’s never too late to improve your posture and in case of most things, the sooner you take care of the better.
Volume 4 Issue 12