How to Get Through Exam Season and Stay Motivated

Image Credits: Swinburne Online

Exam season is a stressful time for every student—it’s the time that can make or break your grades and all of that hard work you put into the semester. You’ve gotten this far, so don’t give up now. No matter how you feel about exams, they are essential to earning your degree or diploma.

Being well prepared for exams can help, but many people dread the work involved and this can have a huge impact on your results. If you’re struggling to keep calm and stay motivated this exam season, here are a few tips to get you through.

Don’t Get Distracted While Working

Unfortunately, exam season does not occur at the same time for everyone, and this can make it even more difficult to stay motivated. When friends are celebrating and going out for drinks, it can be all too easy to go along with them. However difficult this may be, you need to stay focused on the task at hand. Don’t leave major projects and important studying until the last minute. Instead, wait until exams are over to go out for those celebratory drinks.

For the most part, you only get one chance at an exam so you should put forth your best effort to get the grade you deserve. If you know that you’re easily persuaded, it may be best to turn off all notifications on your cell phone. That way, you can concentrate on your studies and won’t constantly be checking the group chat while friends organize a get-together.

Reward Yourself for Your Hard Work

No matter what, getting through finals is a cause for celebration. Exams are extremely stressful, and it’s difficult to sum up all that you’ve learned in a semester in just a couple of hours on a piece of paper. You’ve achieved a lot, and it’s only right to celebrate. Plan small rewards for each exam that you complete. This is a great motivational technique and the perfect way to unwind between exams. A reward may be something as simple as playing frisbee with friends or treating yourself to an ice cream sundae.

If you’re a senior and will be graduating after exams, think about rewarding yourself with a diploma frame to proudly display your degree. You could even design your own graduation frame using a company like Church Hill Classics, who provide custom diploma frames for thousands of US colleges and universities. You’ve worked tirelessly to achieve your dreams. After all of the blood, sweat, and tears that you put into your education, an archival-quality frame that will protect your diploma for years to come is the perfect reward.

Keep Yourself Organized

With so much to do and so little time to do it, keeping organized during exam season will not only help you stay motivated but will also ensure you have enough time to study, eat lunch, and get the sleep you need. Splitting your workload into more manageable chunks will allow you to retain information better and prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with information.

One technique that many students use is the Pomodoro Technique. This is one form of time management that was developed to help learners retain information without becoming too overloaded and stressed. Although this system may not be the right fit for everyone, the idea is to work more efficiently and effectively with the time you have. It involves dividing work sessions into 20- to 25-minute intervals that are separated by small breaks. This allows you to get things done in between work sessions and is designed to curb procrastination.

Look After Yourself

Stress can have such a negative impact on your mental and physical health, and exam season can cause a lot of anxiety. No matter how many projects you have to complete, there is always time to look after yourself. Without this essential “me time,” you may find that you’re not working to the best of your abilities.

Although it’s easy to let go of your routine, staying motivated includes sticking to a healthy diet and exercise routine. When making a planner for exam season, ensure you make some time for exercise classes you usually attend or be sure to carve out time for a simple walk around campus. This gives you time to stretch and to get some much-needed fresh air after hours of sitting at a desk.

Exam season is tough on everyone, but staying organized and rewarding yourself for the progress you make can help keep you motivated. When it’s all over, you can breathe a sigh of relief as you frame your new diploma on your wall.  


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