From Social Activist to India's Political Change Maker


There could not be a better example than septuagenarian Anna Hazare to prove that even a non-politician can bring about a change for the country. The popular social activist who had the backing of an entire nation embarked on an anti-corruption movement in a typically Gandhian fashion. While he embarked upon a fast-unto-death peaceful protest, the young and the old both took to the streets to support Anna Hazare’s ‘India Against Corruption’ movement. Technology played a major role in facilitating awareness about this cause with Facebook groups, bulk SMSes and blogs that helped spread the word far and wide. In short, a revolution took place and this time the youth played a big role in it.
Anna ended his 12-day fast after both the Houses of Parliament caved in to his anti-corruption campaign and agreed to pass the Lokpal Bill on August 28, 2011. Thousands of people came out on the roads to celebrate the victory of the power of the people in what can finally be called a democratic country.
As per the recently-passed updated Lokpal Bill, the lower bureaucracy will be bought under the Lokpal, Lokayuktas will be set in all the states, and the concept of citizen’s charters that deal with public grievances will be introduced. In short, the process of cleansing the Indian system of corruption is well on its way.
This movement was the first of its kind for India. It goes to show that the entire nation united for a single cause to end corruption. And, it was all because of the efforts of a single man with a big dream to give back power to the people.

“I want to tell the youth of this country that this fight should not be stopped with Lokpal alone. We have to fight for removing the faults of the present electoral reforms. The countrymen should not lose this spirit, this is our fight against corruption.”- Anna Hazare

Volume 1 Issue 4


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