Fit in 15


15 minutes of daily exercise can spruce up your fitness level without taking a step out of your home. Short bursts of intense exercise can deliver many of the health and fitness benefits of hours of conventional exercise, finds Pravya Pravin

1. First start with a warm up by jogging lightly on the spot for a few minutes. This does not have to be intensive, so no high knees or jumping is required. Rotation of wrists and ankles can also be done. (3 minutes)










2. Move on to jumping jacks, the cardio exercise, by standing straight with your feet together, then jumping out to the sides, just wider than shoulder width apart, while lifting your hands upwards. When landing, bend your knees slightly. (2 minutes)









3.  Get into a regular push-up position, with your heels against the wall. Do as many push ups as you can. This helps the arms, shoulders and chest. (2 minutes)







4. Next target the abdominals by doing crunches. Lie flat on your back with knees bent. Place your hands at the sides of your head, elbows pointing outwards. Flex your waist to raise the upper body from the floor. This exercise is a belly beater. (3 minutes)







5. Stand in front of the stairs and alternate your leading leg on each step. This helps tone the gluteal muscles, which help to make the thighs and buttocks stronger. (3 minutes)









6.  For triceps and calf muscles, set your legs slight apart and do as many squats as you can. Ensure your knees do not go beyond your toes when squatting.
(2 minutes)









7. Finally, cool your body with a slow jog and then do a couple of stretches. Place one hand on your back and the second on the elbow of your first hand. Pull down on both as much as possible. Rotate your neck slowly and stretch your neck muscles by placing your chin on your chest. Lastly, replenish your body with water.










Volume 3 Issue 2


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