App operates 29 chat services together

App operates 29 chat services together

You love speaking with your family in Skype, but your significant other prefers to chat over WhatsApp. Your friends are pretty active on Messenger, but you have to go through Slack to reach your colleagues for work emergencies.

Handling all these messengers can be overwhelming and it is something which most of us can relate to. Luckily, there’s an app to make your life much easier.

The All-in-One Messenger, a web-based chat client available on Chrome, lets you use all your favorite messengers all in one place. It allows you to stay connected with everyone, without having to go through the hassle of continuously switching tabs and going back and forth between different apps.

Apart from WhatsApp, Messenger and Skype, the All-in-One Messenger service also supports a number of other apps like WeChat, Hangouts, Yahoo Messenger, Slack, Steam Chat and Telegram. In all, there are 29 chat platforms hosted by the service and you will surely be able to connect with your distant friends and family no matter which chat app they are using.


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