Staycation Vibes: Trending Among Indian Millennial

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Millennial are you feeling the itch to escape but can’t bear the thought of long travel queues, visas, hefty expenses or just the stress of planning a perfect getaway? Say hello to staycation – a trendy way to redefine relaxation and set all those vibes in. 

What’s a staycation anyway? 

It can be best defined as a vacation offering a refreshing escape where you stay home or explore your local surroundings while finding joy in the familiar, turning your everyday environment into a serene escape and discovering the untouched right under your nose. Why travel lands far away when your city is brimming with wonders? Indian millennials are discovering that their own locales offer a treasure trove of experiences- whether it’s hidden cafes, historical sites or nature, staycation provides the perfect opportunity to appreciate what’s right around the corner. 

Why are millennials all about that staycation vibes?

The booming trend of staycation is offering a plethora of options that promise an amazing experience without the need for an exhaustive itinerary. It’s perfect for travellers seeking for a peaceful escape, where the beauty of doing nothing surpasses the rush of ticking off attractions. The young working professionals who want to utilise their long weekends and holidays staycationing is a key way to unwind amidst a fast-paced life.

The staycation life is being favoured by millennials rooting for convenience bliss where there are no airport delays, no packing woes, hassle-free bookings and just pure chill vibes. A spontaneous decision to unwind over the weekend or to take a mid-week break becomes effortless, significantly drawing always-on-the-go millennials to opt for a staycation. 

Travelling can be expensive, but staycations offer cost-effective fun. Saving on long travel and accommodations costs millennials can splurge on local experiences, shopping spree and gourmet food. The financial flexibility allows for more frequent getaways and one can still enjoy without breaking the bank.

Sometimes, the best way to laze is by staying in your comfort zone. Staycation also caters to that much-needed monthly mental detox where one can escape the chaotic reality for a short while to rejuvenate at their own pace. It’s all about experiencing calm within your home sweet home or at your favourite place but with a twist. 

Staycation is also Mother Earth-approved, to some extent its eco-friendly as it reduces your carbon footprint by avoiding flights and long drives. 

Craft your perfect staycation-

Want to amp up your staycation experience? Take a pic of these fun ideas.

Themed home retreat- for a homebody, turning your home into a cosy retreat is perfect. Think of a spa day with DIY facials, movie marathons with a home theatre setup for movie buffs or dive into a culinary tour with cuisines you relish. 

Visit the iconic- call yourself wanderlust, and start right from your very own city. Create a list of quirky spots, legendary eateries and famous landmarks to explore. 

Nature’s embrace- nature always welcomes you with open arms, accept that love and visit your local parks, botanical gardens or natural trails. Pack a picnic and soak in all the mesmerising beauty of the great outdoors. From exquisite fauna and diverse flora, nature has a lot to offer. 

Cultural immersion- unleash your inner art aficionado and embark on a cultural escapade without leaving your town! Attend local art exhibitions where each painting whispers stories of creativity and passion. Feel the thrill of live theatre performances unfolding new dimensions of drama and emotions and let the rhythm of music gigs sweep you off your feet, as you groove to the beats. So put on your artsy hat to support your local artist and get a dose of culture. 

Luxury on budget- elegance with cosiness both in one, book a night at a charming boutique hotel or a delightful AirBnb nestled in your own city or nearby. Savour the plush comfort of high thread count sheets, gusto gourmet food, enjoy personalise services or just sit back with a rooftop view of your familiar skyline seeing it through the lens of luxury and leisure. Embrace the mini luxe experiencing the thrill of a getaway while staying close to home. 

To keep the spirits high during the staycation and make the most out of it, one should disconnect to reconnect. Mute those work notifications when you are still on vacation! Even if you are staying at home a little planning can jazz up your whole experience, create an itinerary of activities such as game nights, virtual travels, fitness challenges etc. Staycationing offers you the perfect opportunity to indulge in self-care.  It’s time to pamper yourself, take long baths, read marathons or simply sleep in – do whatever makes you happy. 

Staycations are more than just a trend, it is a lifestyle choice favouring the Indian millennial looking to blend relaxation with practicality. Whether you’re exploring your city’s nooks and crannies or transforming your home into a paradise, a staycation offers the perfect blend of adventure and, comfort. So why wait for the next long weekend to plan a trip? Simply embrace the vibes – grab a planner, pick a theme or place and start exploring endless possibilities. 

Happy staycationing!


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