Beauty Regime To Follow For A Balanced Lifestyle

beauty regime
Image Source: Freepik

Beauty regime:

The key is to maintain a balanced lifestyle. I usually do the following regime:

  • Wash my face before I sleep no matter how tired I am
  • Drink lots of coconut water
  • Take fish oil tablets religiously
  • Put Vaseline gel under eyes and other parts of my face before sleeping for hydrated skin

Makeup tips:

Balance out dark eyes and with light lips or vice versa. OTT makeup is way too dramatic for daily wear. A beauty faux pas is wearing cakey foundation and too much of it!

5 beauty essentials:

  • Bobby Brown lip laquer
  • MAC gold dust
  • Makeup Forever mascara
  • Revlon eyeliner
  • Stilla lipstick

Favourite fragrance:

Hypnotic by Christian Dior


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