Cravings are hard not to have, and if you’re someone who easily it is to turn a small craving into a full-fledged binge, which can then turn into a day(s) of binging because YOLO! But worry not, there are a lot of foolproof methods to curb these sudden cravings, and we’ve listed the best and easiest ones to help you keep those unwanted calories at bay –
Eat sufficient quantities
Very often we end up not eating much during proper meals, which is the most common cause of sudden hunger pangs and cravings. It is very important to feed your body with the right quantity of food, especially if you’re following a particular diet. Do not starve yourself to reach your goals, giving your body the right nutrition is very important to achieve them.
Look out for healthier options
For example, if you’re craving some chocolate, eat a piece of dark chocolate with an above 70% cocoa content. Chocolate above the 70% mark is considered, as it has little to no amounts of sugar. Or if you’re craving something sweet in general, eat a fruit as they’re the best naturally sweet foods you can get.
Drink plenty of water
Cravings are often confused with dehydration, so the next time you find yourself scouring through the fridge or pantry for something to eat, fill yourself up with some H2O. Water is also a great antioxidant, so you’d be feeding yourself with the good stuff while you’re at it.
Keep the stress at bay
‘Stress eating’ is one of the common causes of obesity, especially among young adults. Stress also raises the blood level of cortisol, which is a hormone that can make you gain weight around your belly area. Instead of drowning yourself in tubs of ice-cream, create an environment for yourself that doesn’t allow you to be stressed all the time. Inculcate 30-45 minutes of meditation in your daily routine, or dive into a good book – another great way to distract yourself from something that must be bothering you.
Give in sometimes
It is good to keep away, but don’t deprive yourself completely. This doesn’t mean that you consume what you’re craving for in copious amounts, but treat yourself to a tiny portion. If it’s a cookie you want, have just one cookie instead of the whole pack. Additionally, swap cheat ‘days’ for cheat ‘meals’. Allow yourself the satisfaction of a pizza for lunch, but don’t fall off the wagon with an entire ‘junk food’ day.