Editor’s Note – November 2015


We are back again with our issue on the Top 100 Global B-School Ranking. The number of students who are considering doing an MBA is much more than the previous years. Through months of research we have gathered information on the institutes which have taken a lead in providing MBA facilities for students the world over. The access to gaining an MBA now is also much simpler owing to the progression technology has made. The subject options have also increased, thus giving students a wider range to choose from. Leaf through to check out who’s topping the charts in Business Administration.

How often do you take that 5 minute break at work to clear your head and get back to business ? And how often have you gone back to business? Sometimes we face a mental block and sometimes we just spend long minutes staring at a wall.  But instead of whiling away time, why not do something other than binge into social media.Take a look at some of the hacks we offer you on How to be productive while taking a break.

Being in the midst of an age where people are straying away from the monotonous desk job and choosing or creating a career path that involves something they love doing, we bring you a few skills that might catch your interest Ranging from hairstyling to gym training , our focus feature SKILL DEVELOPMENT tells you enough to get you interested.

From when we were little, we’ve always looked up to someone for guidance, right from holding their hand to cross the road to making important life decisions. In Modern day Guru’s – Mentors, we showcase the relationship between a mentor and mentee in contemporary times.


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