Scholarstic Aptitude Test (SAT) Mock Test


What is SAT?
Almost all universities in the United Sates consider SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores for admission to their undergraduate programs. The SAT exam is divided into three sections: critical reading, maths and writing. There are two types of SAT tests: SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Test (SAT II). The latter tests your knowledge in a particular subject such as Biology, Chemistry, History, Maths, etc.
Time: 3 hours and 45 minutes
Cost: US$91, SAT Subject Tests costs $24.50 (basic fee) plus additional costs depending on your subjects
Frequency: The exam is conducted six times a year at different centres throughout the country

FORMAT Writing:
3 sections (60 minutes total)
3 sections (70 minutes total)
Critical reading:
3 sections (70 minutes total)

Mock SAT exam

Section 1: Writing


Q 1. “The price of greatness is responsibility”
Do you agree with this statement? Do people have unrealistic expectations from their leaders and other public figures?
Plan your response and write an essay.

Q 2. Identify the sentence errors

Tracy argued vehemently with (A) her aunt over (B) her (C) refusal to attend (D) the school concert. No error (E).

Q 3. Correct the following sentence
Jack, coming alongside Rose’s ship, climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her.

A. climbed aboard without seeing or being seen by her.
B. climbed aboard without seeing Rose or being seen by her.
C. climbs aboard without Rose seeing him.
D. boarded without being seen by her.
E. boarded without seeing Rose.

(1)“Indian youth do not discriminate. We are more open-minded than our parents.” “Young India does not believe in the artificial barriers of religion, caste and colour. That’s old-fashioned.”
(2) Every generation ridicules the conventions of the previous generation while unquestioningly following its own – this applies, more than ever, today.
(3) While the youth of India strives hard to carve out its own identity, boot out the old and ring in the new, it is worth introspecting and finding out if we really are quite as unbiased as we would like to believe.
(4) Stereotypes are rife among today’s generation also; despite being taught about equality since elementary school, old prejudices seem to linger.
(5) What is worse is that new prejudices have also begun asserting themselves – whether it is dressing styles or lifestyle choices, undue judgement is alive and kicking.
(6) Why is it that young India, despite all its talk of social liberty, stereotypes away merrily? We found that with these stereotypes, people do not realise the amount of harm they may be causing.
(7)After all, if this behaviour grows, there’s nothing stopping it from not staying simply at the individual level and eventually pitting social groups against each other on a national level.
(8) What is important to acknowledge is that while it is young India that perpetrates these stereotypes, it is also young India that is at the receiving end. (9) In fact, very often victims of stereotypes have their own stereotypes against the other group – and once this cycle of retribution starts, it is very difficult to stop it.
(10) We take a look at some of the more prevalent stereotypes among youngsters today and how they affect victims.
(11) Our hope is that the brand-sporting, smartphone-wielding, rights-demanding youngster identifies the stereotypes they unknowingly promote, and questions themselves every time they act out of prejudice.

Q4. The sentence (or a sentences) which most clearly expresses the author’s primary purpose is
A.  (1)
B.  (4)
C. (7)
D. (9)
E. (1) and (5)

Section 2: Math


Q5. A machine puts c labels on bottles in m minutes. How many hours will it take to put labels on b bottles?
A.  60bm/c
B. bm/60c
C. bc/60m
D.  60b/cm
E. b/60cm


Q6. What is the least positive integer d for which 15d is the cube of a number?


Section 3: Critical Reading

Q7. An entrepreneur must widen his horizons; a ____ attitude will get you nowhere in this age of global communications.
A. moderate
B. petrified
C. parochial
D. diversified
E. comprehensive


I have previously defined a sanctuary as a place where man is passive and the rest of Nature active. But this general definition is too absolute for any special case. The mere fact that man has to protect a sanctuary does away with his purely passive attitude. Then, he can be beneficially active by destroying pests and parasites, like bot-flies or mosquitoes, and by finding antidotes for diseases like the epidemic which periodically kills off the rabbits and thus starves many of the carnivora to death. But, except in cases where experiment has proved his intervention to be beneficial, the less he upsets the balance of Nature the better, even when he tries to be an earthly Providence. Adapted from: Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador, W Wood (1911)

Q8. The author implies that his first definition of a sanctuary is
A. totally wrong
B. somewhat idealistic
C. unhelpful
D. indefensible
E. immutable

Q 1. You can self evaluate your essay on the basis of vocabulary, structure, length, relevant content and grammar
Q2. C
Q 3. B
Q 4. B
Q 5. B
Q 6. 225
Q7. C
Q 8. B


Volume 3 Issue 4


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