Chocolatier: A Career Option For Chocolate Lovers

chocolate expert

Each one of us has at least once in our lives, wanted to visit that chocolate factory and see what it is like to be in the shoes of Willy Wonka. For many youngsters today, this dream has taken the shape of a career – that of a chocolatier – finds Anshika Sethi

Chocolates are dear friends in moments of celebration and even depression. Chocolate doesn’t just add inches to your waist it can add money to your bank account too if you take on the role of a chocolatier. A chocolatier is someone who makes confectionery from chocolate. Chocolatiers are distinct from chocolate makers, who create chocolate from cacao beans and other ingredients.

No Specific Work Timings

Most chocolatiers work from home. A typical day in the life of a chocolatier is extremely fascinating. Suman Tripathy, a chocolatier from the past 15 years says that there is no fixed schedule, as work depends on the kind and number of orders each day. Most days begin at nine in the morning after a hearty breakfast with preparing the chocolate. Earlier chocolate was made the traditional way with cocoa powder, milk powder and cocoa butter, but now chocolate slabs are readily available in the market for chocolatiers to work with. Based on the kind of orders, the centers for the chocolates are prepared and then put into moulds to set. Many times these moulds have to be custom-made as in the case of orders that ask for names of the bride and groom or even a company logo on the confectionery.

Festival Drama: Time for Business

Come festivals and the busiest time in the life of a chocolatier is here. Be it the Diwali specific orders like a chocolate Ganpati or Christmas specific ones like chocolate Santa Claus, festivals bring out the best in a chocolatier. “We mostly get corporate orders during festivals such as Christmas and Diwali,” says Tripathy. On such days a fixed routine is followed. Preparations begin 15-20 days in advance. Though most chocolatiers work alone, at times like this extra help is hired, though only for wrapping and packing chocolates.
The final touches are always made by the chocolatier. “It’s the quality and extra touches you put in that help you win customers,” is what Tripathy has to say. At times like this, work goes on till the wee hours of the morning. But then again, time spent with chocolate is never time wasted.

Custom-Made Chocolates

Rachna, a newly-wed, wanted the guests at her wedding to get something special. So she got her and her husband’s names carved out of chocolate for each guest. Tripathy recalls creating a bouquet of 25 silver chocolate tulips for a silver jubilee wedding celebration. Fancy a twist on Ganesh Chaturthi? A custom-made chocolate modak thali is ready for you! But nothing beats the chocolate ring box carved entirely out of chocolate, including the edible chocolate ring that Tripathy created as Valentine’s Day order for one of her clients.

Innovation: A Chocolatier’s Mantra

The main point which Tripathy emphasizes on to make a successful career out of chocolate is INNOVATION. With so many chocolatiers entering the market every day, the only thing that can set you apart is your creativity. She would know; her most famous creation is chocolate with a green chilly infused center. Be it a custom-made chocolate modak thali, chocolate shaped like a company logo or chocolate with a center that suits your taste and specifications; innovation is integral.

5 Best Things About Being A Chocolatier

1. CHOCOLATE all day long!
2. In touch with the latest trends
3. Fulfilling wishes; everything, after all, is custom made!
4. Feasible for those who want alternate careers.
5. Make money out of something that is your passion

Career Facts: Chocolatier

Job Profile:

A chocolatier is someone who makes confectionery from chocolate. Chocolatiers are distinct from chocolate makers, who create chocolate from cacao beans and other ingredients.


With the most basic chocolates selling at Rs 800 per kg, monthly income is around Rs 40,000-50,000.

Skill Set:

Artistic ability, Knowledge of chocolate flavors and textures, and most importantly, innovation.


* Chocolate Academy,
* Barry Callebaut India
Private Limited, Mumbai
* Craft and Social
Development Organization
(CSDO), New Delhi

Volume 3 Issue 1


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