Star Struck July 2013


Popular Bollywood Vedic astrologer, Ajai Rai Madan, takes you through your starry forecast this month

ARIES:  MAR 21- APR 20.

New ideas will have flavor but make sure that you don’t venture down a road you are not very comfortable with. Tempering your creativity with practicality will enable you to give a solid foundation to your projects. Maintain a balance between implementing your initiatives while taking other people’s views and sensitivities into due consideration. A continuous process of learning and updating strategies will be beneficial and give you an edge over your competitors.

Lucky numbers: 1, 8
Lucky color: Black
Lucky love dates: 10, 22

TAURUS:  APR 21- MAY 21.

You are prone to going off on a tangent and loved ones will have a hard time trying to understand your concerns. Exercising restraint will help to overcome resistance. By not keeping grudges, and letting bygones be, you will love to live the moment and radiate peace and energy. You have also been listening more to your heart than your head, but in the long run a more practical approach will need to be taken.  Financial matters will work out well to your delight.

Lucky numbers: 5, 9
Lucky color: Orange
Lucky love dates: 17, 29

GEMIMI:  MAY 22- JUN 21.

Looking for new linkages will be helpful as it will ensure that you are able to add fresh elements to your output. Adapt well to the way key people think and there is a possibility that events will work out for you in a big way. People who count will be inclined to give you a free hand and will respond positively provided you strengthen their hands as well. You will be able to utilize the full potential of efforts you have already put in besides other things that will absorb your energies in new ways.

Lucky numbers: 3, 7
Lucky colour: Crimson
Lucky love dates: 14, 24

CANCER:  JUN 22- JUL 22.

Don’t expect things to fall in your lap. Give yourself a push as influential people will be in an expansive mood and more receptive to your ideas. Say what you feel because those who matter don’t mind and those who mind, don’t matter. Joint ventures or new tie-ups will work out well but you will need to plan minutely taking all sensitivities into account. Do remember that it is how you are going to adapt to the pace set by circumstances that will matter more than your own speed.

Lucky numbers: 2,6
Lucky colour: Cream
Lucky love dates: 19, 30

LEO:  JUL 23- AUG 23.

A challenge worth taking up would be to turn your strengths into a more solid advantage. The best way forward would be one that will promote your long-term interests even if it means taking a fresh route altogether. Ingenious and creative, you will be able to inspire others with your works, if only you can be a little more tolerant and understanding of others’ feelings. You will be able to take forward important matters which are essential to your overall personal and professional progress.

Lucky numbers:  4, 7
Lucky colour: Red
Lucky love dates: 11, 23

VIRGO:  AUG 24- SEP 23.

You need to settle down into a pattern where you can scan the available options in terms of taking on something more prestigious or challenging- more so in the professional sphere. This shall prove to be good month in which to identify and rate your options in terms of viability. Be a little careful in your dealings with new people, especially if it’s a question of long-term commitment. It would be far better and safer to rely on people you’ve known for some time now.

Lucky numbers: 1, 6
Lucky colour: Blue
Lucky love dates: 20, 31

LIBRA:  SEP 24- OCT 23.

You will be able to work out the best possible ways to capitalize on your communication and networking skills and improve your current position. Don’t just sit back and simply savor all the good things that have dropped into your kitty. Step up both your efforts and your visibility to cash in on the opportunities ahead. Financial matters will work out well. Your dedication to social causes, philanthropy, and charitable activities will bring you into the limelight.

Lucky numbers: 3, 9
Lucky colour: Green
Lucky love dates: 12, 21

SCORPIO:   OCT 24- NOV 22.

If your motives are correctly framed, the necessary time targets and structures will follow automatically, setting up the momentum you desire. In this context, you will succeed not just in honoring commitments, but also in securing new toeholds for the future. Patiently hear out colleagues before making decisions in matters of far-reaching consequences but don’t be unduly pressured into making widespread changes that could well go against your better judgment.

Lucky numbers: 5, 8
Lucky colour:  Yellow
Lucky love dates: 16,25


An ultra focused approach and decisive judgment is all that is required to steer you to a commanding position. Both these factors will enable you to implement what’s on the anvil and make promising new starts as well. An unperturbed attitude in your pre-meditated agenda will gain you the confidence of associates and the necessary momentum to achieve your goals. Monetary gains either from a foreign transaction or governments may be possible sooner.

Lucky numbers: 4, 6
Lucky colour: Violet
Lucky love dates: 13, 27


Right now, you are in a distinctly progressive phase and it is up to you to use this realization wisely and forge ahead with renewed purpose and relevance. Opportunities to carry through your ideas and produce pleasing results are likely to multiply. Socially affable, you could be the cynosure of many eyes; however, try to enjoy these moments without having to compromise on values. Promotions or new job responsibilities could come through in the near future.

Lucky numbers: 1, 9
Lucky colour: Indigo
Lucky love dates: 15, 28


Be hands on and implement important projects with zest and initiative as your cautious approach could be misconstrued by those who matter. Don’t set yourself up for some real disappointment by having too many expectations as it is not possible for all to deliver similarly. Live it up in style by reinforcing bonds that already exist. Stay flexible in the face of events that arrive out of the blue and keep your sights focused as new projects finalized now are going to succeed sooner.

Lucky numbers: 3, 8
Lucky colour: Copper
Lucky love dates: 18, 26

PISCES:  FEB 19- MAR 20.

It would serve you well to know that an all round, comprehensive thrust will matter as much as zeroing in on only one particular area. Reviewing your ideas frequently would be beneficial and a combined approach will yield the best rewards. Intellectualism along-with the exchange of right ideas in your day to day interactions with people will have a special appeal and significance for you. It need be; do talk things over with close associates to regain your clarity and focus.

Lucky numbers: 5, 7
Lucky colour: Ivory
Lucky love dates: 14, 31




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