Green is the Gift!


The Normal Gifts Just Got too Redundant and Cliched. Go the Green Way! Youth Inc gives Eco-Friendly Gyan on ‘ECO-FRIENDLY’ Gifts Available in Gift Shops and Online this Season

Imprinted Plants – Rs. 250
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a plant inscribed with a special message on its seed and glossy green leaves? Gift your loved buddy an imprinted plant this season, choosing from a variety of messages embedded on the seed – ‘I love you’,  ‘Get well soon’, ‘You’re sweet and cute’, etc. These are real plants imbibed with the usual and natural functioning to make your surroundings greener and healthier. The only twist is that they’re imprinted with a healthy fibre that doesn’t cause any harm. The price of this healthy gift commences at Rs. 250 and elevates depending on the length of the message. Few shops also offer the option to customise this healthy gift, such as imprinting the name of your beloved.

Elephant Poo Presents – Rs. 300
These are crazy and thankfully non-stinky. These presents – photo albums, bags, frames, funky notebooks, etc are made purely and truly from elephant dung. The method used for making elephant dung paper is more or less the same as making other varieties of handmade paper. Disinfectants are used to make the paper bacteria free, safe and organic. Elephants were also fed lots of beetroot so as to give the paper a natural reddishpink colour, but alas, that didn’t work. Rs. 300 is the starting price for the best looking poo in the world.

Typewriter Ball Earrings – Rs. 700
Gone are the days when typewriters were used, so now what does one do with the poor, redundant typewriter? Dismantle it and hang it on the ears, and create a sure-fire conversation among the eco-tech gals. Typewriter balls are very light, unlike other balls… These don’t put pressure on the ears. These sexy earrings come in varied colours and shapes, and the price changes depending on the exoticness of the colour and shape. This will be a unique gift that will surely make your girlfriend drool over you.


H2O Powered Clock –  Rs. 400
Battery dead? Need the alarm to get up for your boring morning lectures or job? Just pour water into your clock and make it tick. The price would elevate if you pick up a large-sized and more exquisitely designed clock.

Gift greenness and uniqueness this season and make your buddies and loved ones drool and twirl while they praise you.



Eco – Friendly Gifts Overseas

POLLUTION SENSITIVE DRESS that wrinkles up on bad air days via embedded sensors

When hungry, lick it


Volume 2 Issue 4




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