Fun Activities To Do With Your Long-Distance Best Friend

Image Credits: Unsplash

Long-distance relationships are difficult to get through, but you know what’s worse? Long-distance friendships. Near, far, wherever they are, quality time is what keeps friendships strong. Just because your friend is miles away doesn’t mean quality time needs to go out the window. There are loads of activities that you and your friend can do together over video call that will make the distance between the two of you feel way smaller. So, here are some fun activities to do with your long-distance best friend, or just your friends.

Movie Night 

Movie nights are one of the best and easiest ways to keep in touch with your long-distance friends. All you have to do is find a time when both of you are free for the evening and choose a movie to watch together. Post-lockdown, there are a lot of websites and plugins that allow people to watch things together on various OTT platforms, so make sure you make the most out of them! You could choose to rewatch a movie that you both love or watch something new that’s been released. The choices are endless!

Cooking Together 

Cooking or baking together is so much fun when you’re doing it with someone else. But how do you bake with someone if they’re miles away? Perhaps you could choose a dish that you both can cook or bake, and then follow the instructions together as if you were in the same kitchen. Maybe you can just use your cooking and baking time as an opportunity to catch up with the other person even if they aren’t making the same thing. 

Work Together 

Alright, working or studying is no fun activity, we know. But, it helps if you’re doing it with someone! If you don’t have the time to watch a movie or cook together, you can make the most out of doing simple activities together. Although a fair warning, these study/work sessions have a lot of distractions involved, but if you can make a schedule of strict working time and small breaks in between, then the balance is a great way to have the best of both worlds.

Try A Long-Term Challenge Together

One of the more challenging aspects of a long-distance friendship is the lack of proximity. This has emotional shortcomings — feeling like you’re not as close as you once were — but it can also present missed opportunities for bonding. A great way to stay in touch is to share a goal or take on a fun challenge with one another. It could be a fitness challenge, a “cooking at home” challenge, a “no spend” challenge, or a “try one thing that scares each day” challenge. It can be anything you want, as long as you are doing it together. 

Virtual Escape Room

By now, we’ve all sat through some virtual happy hour or Zoom party. But how many of us have completed a virtual escape room? Like its in-person counterpart, virtual escape rooms are an excellent option for friends looking for an adrenaline rush. The quirky, unexpected option will allow you and your bestie to communicate under pressure, get outside your comfort zones, and maybe get a little spooked in the process if you choose a haunted room.

These are only a few activities to do with your long-distance friends. These activities can also be done to maintain long-distance relationships! In the end, if someone you care about lives far away from you, then it’s all about what you can do to spend time together. It gets difficult every now and then, but if you get through this, you’re probably stuck together for life. 


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