Sunday, May 5, 2024

Career In Marketing – How College Students Can Plan For It

Marketing is a diverse field with multiple challenges and barriers that many students will have to face. The industry is ever evolving and has...
boarding school

Boarding School v/s Day School

Boarding school and day school seem like the best of friends and worst of rivals on the playgrounds. Each have their own community, their...

Important enhancements that you can make in your early-career life

Apart from learning about the skills that you want to pursue, there’s so much you can do in your early life that will benefit...

Career in Special Effects (SFX) Makeup

After completing your education comes that mammoth task of choosing a particular career path to follow. With all the advancements the world has seen...
Modern day factors that schools and colleges need to adopt

Modern day factors that schools and colleges need to adopt to build a smart...

Our techniques may have changed a great deal, but the crux of schooling still orbits around the basic fundaments i.e Discipline, Sincerity and Dedication....
Stage fright - public speaking

Public Speech: 10 Necessary Points to Learn for Students

There is no way around public speaking. Conveying your thoughts to people in public is a skill you will not only need at college...
freelancing or personal statement

8 Ways To Write A Stunning Personal Statement To College

Half of the success of your college application process is in a well-written personal statement. It is this very letter that colleges...
Freelancing v/s Full-Time: Weighing out the pros and cons

Freelancing v/s Full-Time: Weighing out the pros and cons

The options Sometimes on social media, I see people use the phrase “fun-employed”, and while I have never completely understood why people feel the need...
exam anxiety

6 Scientific Methods To Curb Exam Anxiety

Test anxiety can lead to depression for a significant period of time. Students need to unwind every now and then, while constantly...

Cosmetology: Not Just Entertainment; Make A Serious Career Out Of It

With the improvisation of technology and the introduction of innovative new methods, cosmetology has become one of the most popular treatment routes which can...