Treat Your Acne With Friendly Acne Management Tips

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Every person in the world desires, healthy, soft and glowing skin. In the age of selfies, everyone wants to look their best. For some, healthy skin is a matter of confidence. What to do if your skin is prone to breakouts? Is only acne management enough? Should you use cosmetic products that guarantee acne reduction? 

Here is an acne management skincare regimen that is bound to answer all your questions and is a complete guide for you to take care of your skin. Check it out!

1. Gently cleanse your skin

acne Management
Image Credits: Garnier

It is extremely important for people with acne-prone skin to clean their skin well to avoid the build-up of bacteria in the skin pores. For efficient cleaning of the skin, use a product that is gentle on your skin but rough on acne. Products that contain salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide are recommended since these compounds help in acne reduction. Use only the tips of your fingers around the infected areas as too much pressure on the skin can cause unwanted scarring on the face. While popular sayings make you believe that exfoliating is an important part of acne management, don’t scrub your skin too often as this can be very harsh on your sensitive skin.

2. Use a toner to remove excess oils

acne management
Image Credits: Miss Ambivert

Toner is a product that helps facilitate the removal of sebum and excess oil. Depending on the constituents, toners also help to maintain the skin balance, fight blackheads and whiteheads and hydrate the skin. Apply toner on a cotton pad and gently wipe your face and neck with it. Also, the alcohol content of the product should be paid attention to. Alcohol can be drying and irritating, especially for sensitive skin types. If your skin is too much dry or sensitive, alcohol-based toners can sting open pimples. So depending on how your skin reacts, avoid toners that have a heavy alcohol base. 

3. Acne Treatment

If you have already tried home remedies and failed to see any improvement, this is your golden rule. Do not buy and use acne management cosmetics by self-diagnosing your skin and trusting advertisements or salons. Always consult a dermatologist. Use the acne treatment medication prescribed to you by your physician or dermatologist only. Every skin type is unique and causes of acne vary from person to person, thus you should get a proper diagnosis done by a dermatologist, a person who has specialized in the area of skin and will give you the best advice. 

4. Moisturizing and protecting the skin from the sun

Image Credits: Harvard University

This is one of the most crucial steps in your skincare routine. Acne medications generally use the treatment which leaves your skin extremely dry and thirsty for moisture. Moisturizing gels and lotions are lighter as compared to creams. Either way, choose one that is labelled oil-free since you don’t want to interfere with the action of acne medication which removes oil from your skin. Do not use product which is heavy and leave your skin greasy because this will clog your skin pores and invite bacteria to reside. Many moisturizers already contain sun protection formula but if yours doesn’t, use a separate product since sun protection is a step that you can not afford to miss. Acne treatments and exfoliation leave the skin prone to sun damage. Thus, use a sunscreen that is specially designed for the face and is aroma free so that it doesn’t clog your pores. 

5. Makeup

Since makeup is a part of many people’s everyday work life, it cannot be totally ignored. As a thumb rule, wear only powder-based or gel-based makeup products. The problem with cream-based and liquid-based formulas is that they settle in your pores and promote bacteria growth. The usage of mineral makeup is recommended as it is oil-free. Completely avoid blush and any shimmery products since they contain mica particles which will irritate your skin. Moreover, use a light hand while applying the foundation. Many layers of a heavy formula can provoke your acne and make the texture look blotchy so stick to a single layer of a light foundation. Leave the actual concealing of the acne scars to color correctors. With that said, applying makeup on already affected, sensitive skin is not recommended, avoid it as far as you can.

In conclusion, acne can be treated by a friendly skincare routine. The key to acne management is regularity. You will not see visible results in a few days but as much time as you invest in skincare, your skin will show as much improvement. Do not skip this routine; doing so will not fetch any desirable outcome. The main idea is cleanliness and hygiene of your skin, which requires consistency. 

All the best for your healthy skin!


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