Rising Star


When heavy metal meets horror novels, the result is Albatross – a band whose music lives by the motto ‘Blood, guts and glory’

Albatross is a Mumbai-based band that began when founder Riju Dasgupta decided to put his twin loves – spooky stories and heavy metal music – together. Their first EP, Dinner is You, explored cannibalism through songs that were set to screaming vocals and guitars. Their second EP, The Kissing Flies, was released recently as part of a split CD with American doom metal band Vestal Claret. This one boasts of music contributions from musicians like The Demonstealer (from Demonic Resurrection), Niklas ‘Viper’ Stalvind (from Wolf) and Murari Vasudevan (from Rat King). Albatross has performed live at Bangalore, Chennai, Mumbai and Guwahati.

Fun Picks

Albatross in 3 words is: Your worst nightmare
Current favourite song: Monument – Blood Red Skies
You can’t seem to get enough of: Money? Especially when there’s none in music.
Your inspiration: King Diamond
One celebrity you’d like to say ‘Dinner is you’ to: Sienna Miller
Your scariest experience with a fan: Came across a real-life cannibal once. Thankfully, it was online.
Biggest compliment you’ve received: I guess it came from one of my favourite musicians Niklas Stalvind (from Swedish band Wolf), who told me he wished he’d written our track ‘The Dining Table’ himself.
The musician you’d like to perform with: Since we’ve performing with Niklas in November, I’d say David Beckford (from UK-based band Hell)
Musician/band you can’t stand: The Smashing Pumpkins
Latest obsession: Dolan memes on Facebook
What gives you goosebumps? Usually books of horror. Most recently, ‘The Calcutta Chromosome’ by Amitav Ghosh.
Dream date: In keeping with the theme, Morticia Adams.
Your philosophy: In his house at R’lyeh, dead Cthulhu waits dreaming…
People should listen to Albatross because: if they’re not, they’re probably listening to crap.
Your next album will be: a 5-song split with US-based heavy metal band Sinister Realm. In a nutshell, it’s an old school package of skull crushing, ear pounding heavy metal which will destroy you senses. Or if you’re Japanese, senseis.


Volume 2 Issue 6


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