How Efficient Are You In Dealing With Your Difficult Boss?

difficult boss
Image Credits: Hirebox

Let’s face it, none of us like our boss. We start our day with cribbing about our bosses and end our day by calling our friends and narrating to them the unpleasant issues we faced with our much difficult boss throughout the day. No doubt this cribbing helps us get our ‘boss’-stration out of our system, it still isn’t the right way to deal with the issue. 

What if we help you deal with your boss in the correct and easy way? You would love that right? 

So this is all you have to do: 

Understand Your Boss 

If you have spent even a few months with your boss, you must have understood his work patterns by now. Know what are the things your boss is most likely to dislike so that you don’t do it. Know the things and work ethics he considers important and appreciates and try to inculcate the same in your working patterns. To understand this, you must observe and analyse your boss’s work and behavior. 


Make sure to keep your boss in the loop. Whether you go for a client meeting or face an issue, make sure you keep your boss updated. When you keep informing your boss about your work progress, you show your efficiency in communicating with him/her and also maintain transparency. This speaks well about you to your boss, thus increasing his liking towards you. 

difficult boss
Image Credits: LinkedIn

Don’t Crib In The Office

Definitely, dealing with a difficult boss can get very frustrating but you have to keep your anger and annoyance outside the office doors lest you might get into an unnecessary problem. The reason behind this is your own colleagues. We all have a habit of ridiculing, mocking and cribbing about our bosses in the office itself, but you never know which colleague pushes you in a pit. The more your boss hears about what you say about him/her via your colleagues, the more trouble you will face from him/her. You can crib about your boss all you want with your partner, best friends, parents, but not with your office mates. 

Ignore His Negative And Focus On His Positives

Just like us, our boss is human too. Each human comes with his/her own flaws and perfections. Besides he/she is your boss due to his talent, skills and qualifications. This said you will definitely have a few interesting things to learn from your boss. So, it will just help you if you choose to not let the negative behavior of your boss bother you, and just focus on the positive qualities he/she holds. Sometimes, ignorance is truly a bliss. We must learn to let go off certain things and ignore them. You never know, your boss might just be dealing with some issues of his own too. Let’s try to be a bigger person at times and keep calm. 

Speak Up Instead Of Being Meek 

Just because you have a hot-headed, difficult and dominating boss, doesn’t mean you become submissive. If you accept even the wrong things your boss orders you to do, he/she won’t take long to take you for granted and crush you under work pressure. If you feel like conveying something to your boss, do it. Stand up and speak. Tell your boss what bothers you and what you expect, but in the right, respectful manner. Doing so will open up a path of sound communication between the two of you. 

If you love your job, your work and colleagues, but hate your boss, you need to just handle him/her well instead of quitting. Quitting a job to get rid of a difficult boss doesn’t mean you won’t get another one like him/her on your new job. Think before you take a step. 


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