Tech Talk


Now that you’ve got the information technology (IT) degree (even if you’re in the last year, you’ll still have the degree next year) what next? Well, it is a classic situation, where some opt for a job through campus recruitment and some for an MBA straight away! Yet, there is a steady group of fresh engineers who want to look at foreign shores for further studies. And that’s where the popularity of a Master’s in Computer Science emerges as a clear winner among all fields.
“When I started at the School of Engineering at Columbia University, I was taken aback by the sheer number of Indians in the programme. Not only among the students, but also among the faculty members,” says Swati Kumar who is now working with Barclays Bank in New York.
What she means is that Indians are really looking at this field when they opt to study abroad – and that to for two reasons: the starting pay packet is quite decent, much better compared to other fields of study, and second, it is relatively easy to obtain a job (most students are placed during campus recruitments itself) again, compared to other fields of study. This is because there is a huge demand for computer science majors in the US, making this field a great return on investment.
Another advantage, especially for brighter students would be the vast availability of assistantships that are available in the computer science department of most colleges. “Since almost all colleges have a huge undergraduate and graduate population in this fi eld, most professors look for teaching assistants, which is a very lucrative campus job,” says Monesh Punjabi who pursued his master’s degree from Carnegie Mellon University.
Well then, let’s not delay any further, here’s the help we promised. However, a fair waring – the best universities to pursue this degree are in the US. We really can’t help that. Of course, you have to keep in mind that any programme pursued in the US will cost you a mini-fortune. But, as we have said before, your funds can be recovered in little time. For now, we skip the boring details that you can find on the university websites and cut straight to the chase – what students think. Here goes.

Volumn 1 Issue 2


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