
You Are the Boss of YouYou Are the Boss of You

You Are the Boss of You

It's complicated! A relationship between an individual's independence and Indian parents is complicated. In India, independence comes at a high…

6 years ago
Essentials of a Healthy Relationship

Essentials of a Healthy Relationship

Falling in love is fancy, but staying in love is all about commitment. Both are incredibly beautiful. While falling in…

6 years ago
Speed Dating In India: Why We Still Might Be Skeptical

Speed Dating In India: Why We Still Might Be Skeptical

“Speed dating”, a relatively western concept, is a formalized matchmaking dating system, where singles meet a large number of new…

7 years ago
Tips To Keep The Spark Alive In Every Relationship

Tips To Keep The Spark Alive In Every Relationship

A relationship isn’t easy to maintain, and often, people go their separate ways when the monotony kicks in. Whether you’ve…

7 years ago
Adults In A Relationship Can Live Together Without Marriage: SC

Adults In A Relationship Can Live Together Without Marriage: SC

The Supreme Court has ruled that adults have the right to live together without marriage, and held that live-in relationships…

7 years ago
The Perks Of Being Single?

The Perks Of Being Single?

There are worse things than being alone. But it often takes decades to realize this. Most often when you do,…

8 years ago
The ‘Vidaai’ Scene

The ‘Vidaai’ Scene

Crying is an Art! It’s been proved today. Vidaai happens to be the most important bit in an Indian wedding.…

8 years ago
8 Mistakes People Make Which Can Ruin Any Relationship

8 Mistakes People Make Which Can Ruin Any Relationship

Relationships aren’t really easy to maintain. One needs to understand the value of commitment and trust. Many problems are likely…

8 years ago
Talk It Through

Talk It Through

Why counsellors are a good idea to save a relationship Every relationship goes through phases. The first phase or the…

8 years ago
Demise of Monogamy

Demise of Monogamy

Change is the only constant and in most cases, change is always good. But, is the change in the number of…

9 years ago