Shivani Deshmukh

Shivani Deshmukh

Let’s Talk About SexLet’s Talk About Sex

Let’s Talk About Sex

With the recent rise in rape cases, we are led to believe that Sex Education is the ultimate need of…

7 years ago
Mumbaikars Choose Mangroves Over Sewage Treatment PlantMumbaikars Choose Mangroves Over Sewage Treatment Plant

Mumbaikars Choose Mangroves Over Sewage Treatment Plant

As private corporations still stand apathetic to the fate of Mangroves in Mumbai, citizens have begun coming together to stand…

7 years ago
Conspiracies: To Believe Or Not To BelieveConspiracies: To Believe Or Not To Believe

Conspiracies: To Believe Or Not To Believe

Conspiracy theories: the new and upcoming trend wreaking havoc over the internet. From the Illuminati to the disappearing of the…

7 years ago
Career Options In Arts After 12thCareer Options In Arts After 12th

Career Options In Arts After 12th

In recent years, there has been a constant rise in the number of students opting for Arts after 10th. The…

7 years ago
Machined To ThinkMachined To Think

Machined To Think

  Celebrating National Technology Day, we at Youth Incorporated Magazine had the opportunity of attending the inauguration of 'Machined to…

7 years ago
Is Marriage A Contract For Legal Rape?Is Marriage A Contract For Legal Rape?

Is Marriage A Contract For Legal Rape?

Nineteen-year-old Noura Hussein is sentenced to death for stabbing her rapist. Worse, her rapist is her husband of three years.…

7 years ago
How To Deal With Poor GradesHow To Deal With Poor Grades

How To Deal With Poor Grades

Another year has passed, and the most dreaded time of the year has arrived - at least for students. Exam…

7 years ago
Here Is What A Degree In International Relations OffersHere Is What A Degree In International Relations Offers

Here Is What A Degree In International Relations Offers

Do you find yourself often marvelling at how the World works? Do political systems and their working attract you? Do…

7 years ago
Movies To Celebrate Your Girl GangMovies To Celebrate Your Girl Gang

Movies To Celebrate Your Girl Gang

Are you sick of watching women always being portrayed as the same boring, one-dimensional character in all movies? The one…

7 years ago
Student Suicide: The Why And How Of PreventionStudent Suicide: The Why And How Of Prevention

Student Suicide: The Why And How Of Prevention

Students and suicide – two words that often go together. Sadly, today student suicides are so common, that everyone is…

7 years ago