Higher education is more than a stepping stone to a lucrative career. It teaches you to solve problems, communicate with different people and develops a better you.
Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence.
1.Lyceum (lahy-see-uh m)-
The town council was pleased to announce its plans to renovate the old art gallery into a _____.
(a. hall for reading b. hall for public lectures c. hall for screening movies)
2.erudite (er-yoo-dahyt)-
For a long time, the mechanism of how cancer cells mutate within a cell’s DNA remained elusive even to the most ____ scientists.
(a. uncultured b. impoverished c. knowledgeable)
3.polyhistor (pol-ee-his-ter)-
Leonardo da Vinci, the Italian ____, developed an interest in areas that ranged from invention, painting, sculpting, architecture and music to mathematics, engineering, literature, anatomy, geology and astronomy.
(a. person of famous lineage b. person of diverse background c. person of varied learning)
4.heuristic (hyoo-ris-tik)-
The FBI adopted a ____ approach to teach its employees the intricacies of studying and solving different cases.
(a. learning by rote b. learning by understanding c. learning by sound)
5.Situated learning (sich-oo-ey-tid lur-ning)-
The results of a study revealed that students learn more in a ____ setting than what they do in the traditional format of lecture and discussion.
(a.learning in a functionally identical setting b. learning that combines academics with community service c. learning that involves analysis, synthesis and evaluation)
1 . B , 2 . C , 3 . C , 4 . B , 5 . A
Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain the previous answer. You may arrange the words with a new letter.
Hint: Start from the top
1. Idiom that means perfectly – “ To a __”
2. Abbreviation for Information Technology
3. It is …contracted
4. A position or location
5. Connected rooms in a hotel
6. Unfastens knots
7. Plural of Unity
8. Inflammation of the nerves
9. Interfering, meddlesome
10. An institution of higher education
1. T
2. IT
3. TIS
Volume 5 Issue 5
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