Choose the option that is closest in meaning to the main word and complete the sentence.
1. noisome (noi-suhm)
The joggers were repelled by the ___ odour that engulfed them as they jogged past the abbatoir.
(a) fetid (b) aromatic (c) clammy
2. fulsome (fool-suhm)
Smartly dressed as representatives of a reputed investment firm, the con men duped several prospective investors with their ____ promises.
(a) reasonable (b) insincere (c) pedestrain
3. enervating (en-er-veyt-ing)
The primary obstacles to the trekkers were the dense jungle and the _____ effects of the hot, humid climate
(a) weakening (b) invigorating (c) salient
4. disinterested (dis-in-tuh-res-tid)
A peace treaty was signed by the leaders of the warring factions after an ____ arbitrator resolved the dispute.
(a) unbiased (b) unabashed (c) uninterested
5. presently (prez-uhnt-lee)
A team of doctors arrived on the scene ___ after the accident occurred.
(a) currently (b) later (c) shortly
1.A, 2. B, 3.A, 4.A, 5.C
Phantonyms are words that are often thought to mean one thing, but in fact mean another. Phantonyms pop up in almost everyone’s conversations.
Word Pyramid
The clues will help you find the answers to complete the word pyramid. Each answer must contain letters from the previous answer. You may rearrange the letters to form the next word.
Hint: Start from the top; the first one has been done for you
1. To dip or soak in liquid food
2. To present oneself for a picture or photograph
3. One of the components of the English language- poetry and…
4. To reveal or uncover
5. To inspect, examineor question
6. An adventurer or a traveller
Volume 3 Issue 1
Beauty is one such industry that will never run out of style. The beauty industry…
Conquer, the flagship sports festival of Mukesh Patel School of Technology, Management and Engineering (MPSTME),…
The much anticipated 97th edition of COEP Technological University’s Regatta, India’s longest running college river…
Holi, known as the festival of colors is one of the most vibrant and joyful…
March 8th marks International Women's Day, a day dedicated to honor the struggles, achievements and…
Science is often considered the ultimate proof of truth—a seemingly objective force that reveals the…