
How to write the perfect cover letter?

You may often think that your resume will speak for itself, making the cover letter redundant, but the key to…

5 years ago

A 10-Steps Guide To Adapting Your Resume For Senior-Level Job

As stated by Glassdoor, the average recruiter or hiring manager spends six seconds reading a resume. Therefore, you have only…

5 years ago

Tips that will help you to add Digital Marketing skills to your Résumé

In an era of constant innovation, evolving platforms, and cutting-edge strategies, it is safe to say that digital marketing has…

7 years ago

Job Hopping

Anushka Saboo explores the possibilities of whether the grass is really greener on the other side Attractive salaries, increased status, and…

8 years ago

Smart Tips To Build A Strong Resume

Before we even step out of the college world and begin finding jobs, we often find professors stressing on the…

8 years ago

How To Build Your CV As A Student

Apekshit Varshney provides some tips on how to work towards creating an impressive resume while you are still studyingWhat do…

10 years ago

Stipend In Dollars

Shruti Nagbhushan explores the pros and cons of pursuing an internship in a foreign land For all those students who…

11 years ago

What do Employers Want?

A blood sacrifice? Your firstborn? Jai Vipra sets out on a quest to find the answer and discovers that employers…

11 years ago

Writing Faux Pas!

A Genuine selection of funny statements and misprints in resumes!

12 years ago