
From Cricket Dreams to Medical Feats: An Interview with Dr. Vityala Yethindra, the Youngest Scientist in Medicine

Dr. Vityala Yethindra, recognized as the World's Youngest Scientist in Medicine, boasts an impressive resume that includes holding 12 world…

9 months ago

Considering An MBBS Abroad? Here Are The Pros And Cons

Pursuing higher education overseas has become quite the trend recently because it is the best option in terms of gaining…

11 months ago

Tips To Prepare For A Career In Nursing

Nursing is a career that has and will continue to remain in demand for as long as the need for…

1 year ago

Antibiotics Not Helping? That’s Because Bacteria Have Emerged To Be Superbugs

Flowing nose, constant sneezing, cough, headache and mild chills are extremely irritating and test our temper. The most convenient and…

4 years ago

5 Types Of Careers In Alternative Medicine To Opt For

Allopathy, though a widely used form of medical treatment across the world, that is known fast recovery, isn't the only…

5 years ago

This World Homeopathy Week, Let’s Understand this System of Alternative Medicine

Annually, World Homeopathy Awareness Week is celebrated from the 10th of April to the 16th of April. Structured by the…

5 years ago

HRD Declares Best Educational Institutes in India

Retaining pole position this year, the Indian Institute of Sciences in Bangalore emerged as the overall best educational institute in…

6 years ago

5 Professions One Can Choose In The Field Of Medicine

It often happens that in the process of achieving the final goal, one may get disappointed halfway realizing that the…

7 years ago

Zika is here !

There had been only 14 noted cases of Zika Virus till 2007. Not a lot of people had heard of…

8 years ago

The Keepers of Your Crowning Glory

Maintaining a whole head of good hair and a healthy scalp is a challenge that many people struggle with. This…

10 years ago