
Speed Dating In India: Why We Still Might Be Skeptical

“Speed dating”, a relatively western concept, is a formalized matchmaking dating system, where singles meet a large number of new…

6 years ago

Eat. Sleep. Cheat. Repeat.

With cheating becoming the new normal in modern relationships, Palak Kapadia lists telltale signs to identify that your partner might…

9 years ago

The Ye Ole Dating Game

Looking back or looking forward, there are certain types of people you are sure to have a romantic inclination to at…

9 years ago

9 Signs You Shouldn’t Date Him

All the single ladies, all the single ladies…and the one’s who’re dating too, ATTENTION! You might think you have or might…

9 years ago

SHHH! It’s No Secret!!

When it comes to telling parents about the prospective other, we all start getting anxious about how they will react.…

9 years ago

Know When She’s Interested In You

Have you ever wondered what a girl does when she is really interested in you?? Find out 7 ways to…

9 years ago

The ABC of Dating

You know how it’s all flowers and candy for some, boozy and bubbly for the others at the start of a relationship. When all…

9 years ago

Relationships Today

Maybe it's a trend or maybe a lifestyle, but it is time to bring it out into  the lime light!…

9 years ago

Janvi Manchanda reviews Anjali Kirpalani's romantic novel and learns a new motto for her life –  “Never Say Never”    …

10 years ago

The Real Truth About One-Night-Stands You Need To Know

In today's day and age of ephemeral relationships, Nisha JamVwal poses the million-dollar question - 'do one-night-stands work at all'?…

10 years ago