63-year-old Manohar Gopalkrishna Prabhu Parrikar, Goa Chief Minister and our former Defense Minister lost his one year battle to pancreatic…
Indian special forces struck across the LOC on the night of 28/29 September 2016. Avoiding any official army posts, the…
As Congress and JD(S) build their rather fragile alliance in Karnataka, another alliance has been broken in Jammu and Kashmir.…
The Karnataka election was praised for its high voter turnout; however, since then it has been a boiling soup of…
The BJP government in Haryana has decided to introduce moral science as a subject for the students which will include…
“I have been informed that Pakistan MoFA has denied permission for my visa to participate in the Karachi Literature festival.…
A Illustrative Storybook on Dr. Kiran Bedi’s life - KIRAN BEDI: MAKING OF THE TOP COP was released today by…
THE GRAND OLD PARTY OF INDIA 1885 Formed by a group of Indian and British nationals Left of Centre INC's…
In its Delhi manifesto released on April 2, BJP has vowed to scrap the four-year undergraduate programme offered by Delhi…