Youth Inc lists the world’s best business schools in order of their rank

Welcome to the Youth Incorporated, Education Times and Global Business School Rankings 2013. Following up to our annual business school ranking, we present to you this year’s ranking based on responses received from the institutes themselves, the current students in the institute, their alumni and from recruiters. Over 1,200 institutes were considered and contacted for the purpose of the survey. All the answers were tabulated and ranked based on a number of criteria including diversity of students, diversity of faculty, innovation of programmes, value for money, and much more. The ranking covers the top 100 institutes in the world to pursue a full-time MBA programme, in order of their rating. It also includes a top 10 ranking based on geographical distribution, a top 50 ranking each for finance, management and marketing specialisation courses, as well as top 50 rankings each for online MBA courses and executive MBA courses. We hope our survey will come to the assistance of any student looking to pursue an MBA programme but unsure of their choice of institute.


2012 RANK
1 Harvard University USA 100 1
2 Stanford University USA 99.9 2
3 University of Pennsylvania USA 99.7 3
4 London Business School UK 99.3 5
5 INSEAD France 99.1 6
6 IE Business School Spain 98.8 7
7 Columbia University USA 98.7 4
8 MIT USA 98.3 8
9 University of Chicago USA 97.6 9
10 Northwestern University USA 97.4 11
11 Dartmouth College USA 97.1 14
12 New York University USA 96.9 13
13 Hong Kong UST China 96.7 15
14 University of California at Berkeley USA 96.5 12
15 Yale University USA 96.3 20
16 Cornell University USA 96 23
17 Cambridge University UK 95.9 21
18 IMD Switzerland 95.2 18
19 Duke University USA 94.5 19
20 IIM Ahmedabad India 94 10
21 IIM Calcutta India 93 17
22 ESADE Spain 92 32
23 Indian School of Business India 91.3 16
24 Oxford University UK 91.1 22
25 IESE Spain 90.4 28
26 University of Virginia USA 90.1 27
27 National University of Singapore Singapore 90 25
28 HEC Paris France 89.1 24
29 Australian Graduate School of Management Australia 88 29
30 CEIBS China 87 30
31 University of Hong Kong China 86 31
32 University of Manchester UK 85 26
33 Carnegie Mellon University USA 84.3 35
34 Imperial College UK 84.2 34
35 Nanyang Technological University Singapore 84 33
36 University of Cape Town South Africa 83 44
37 University of Melbourne Australia 82.5 37
38 Chinese University of Hong Kong China 82 36
39 University of Toronto Canada 81.3 41
40 University of Michigan Ann Arbor USA 81 38
41 SDA Bocconi Italy 80.8 40
42 McGill University Canada 80.5 42
43 Rotterdam School of Management Netherlands 80.1 43
44 Georgetown University USA 80 39
45 University of California at Los Angeles USA 79.1 47
46 Peking University China 79 45
47 Rice University USA 78 46
48 Emory University USA 77 48
49 Penn State University (Smeal) USA 76 49
50 York University Canada 75 51
51 Indiana University (Kelley) USA 74 50
52 University of Western Ontario Canada 73 52
53 University of Southern California USA 72.8 53
54 University of Washington (Foster) USA 72.5 56
55 Texas A&M University (Mays) USA 72.1 58
56 University of Texas at Austin USA 72 60
57 Purdue University USA 71.8 57
58 Washington University (Olin) USA 71.5 54
59 City University London UK 71.1 59
60 University of Rochester (Simon) USA 70.7 55
61 SP Jain Institute of Management India 70.5 77
62 University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) USA 70.2 62
63 Ohio State University (Fisher) USA 70 63
64 Boston University USA 69.6 64
65 Cranfield University UK 69.1 61
66 Vlerick Business School Belgium 68.3 65
67 Incae Business School Costa Rica 68 68
68 University of Minnesota (Carlson) USA 67.3 66
69 University of British Columbia Canada 67 69
70 Queens University Canada 66 70
71 Coppead Brazil 65 71
72 Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile Chile 64 72
73 University of Edinburgh UK 63 73
74 Boston College USA 62 67
75 Business School Sao Paulo Brazil 61 74
76 Mannheim Business School Germany 60.8 75
77 Macquarie Graduate School of Management Australia 60.3 76
78 IPADE Mexico 60 85
79 Copenhagen Business School Denmark 59.6 79
80 Universidad de Chile Chile 59.1 82
81 American University in Cairo Egypt 59 81
82 Michigan State University (Broad) USA 58.5 78
83 University of South Carolina USA 58.3 83
84 University of Miami USA 58 84
85 Babson College USA 57.9 87
86 University of Notre Dame USA 57.3 86
87 Thunderbird School of Global Management USA 57 90
88 University of California Irvine USA 56.3 88
89 Brigham Young University USA 56.2 89
90 MIP Politecnico di Milano Italy 56 NEW
91 Georgia Institute of Technology USA 55.5 91
92 Lancaster University UK 55 92
93 University of Alberta Canada 54.8 80
94 Queensland Institute of Tech Australia 54.2 96
95 Bond University Australia 54 95
96 University of Pittsburg USA 53 99
97 University of Warwick UK 52 94
98 Wake Forest University USA 51 98
99 University of St.Gallen Switzerland 50.9 100
100 Southern Methodist University USA 50.3 97

Where does India rank overall?
What’s different since 2012?

The top three institutes from our 2012 ranking have managed to retain their crown in the same order, i.e. Harvard University, Stanford University and University of Pennsylvania. Harvard University managed a perfect score of 100 just as it did in last year’s ranking. The most noticeable difference since last year’s ranking is the drop of Columbia University from the 4th to the 7th spot. This means that London Business School, INSEAD and IE Business School move up one rank each. Another noticeable change is IIM Ahmedabad, which was India’s only institute to feature in the top 10 last year, dropping 10 places to number 20. Institutes from the USA still hold superiority with seven of its institutes occupying slots within the top 10. However, it no longer holds the mantle of the top 4 as institutes from the UK, France and Spain have moved up from previous positions. The remaining of the top 20 is occupied with institutes from China, Switzerland and India.

Our last ranking for B-schools which was conducted in 2012 saw four Indian institutes make it into the top 100 worldwide which could be considered a good feat. However, the ranking this year shows that three of the Indian institutes have dropped their places considerably. IIM Ahmedabad was ranked at 10 last year but has slipped down to the 20th position this year. It has also lost out on being ranked as the best institute in Asia with Hong Kong UST from China now occupying the premier position in Asia. While the Indian School of Business (ISB) and IIM Calcutta were ranked within the top 20 previously, they have both dropped to lower ranks with ISB slipping from 16 to 23 and IIM Calcutta going from 17 to 21. The only positive outlook from the Indian perspective is the improvement in standards at the S.P. Jain Institute of Management which has moved up from 77 to 61 in the ranking. Unfortunately, there are no other and no new Indian representatives to speak of within the top 100 rankings.


Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 Stanford University USA
3 University of Pennsylvania USA
4 Columbia University USA
6 University of Chicago USA
7 Northwestern University USA
8 Dartmouth College USA
9 New York University USA
10 University of California at Berkeley USA



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 INSEAD France
2 IE Business School Spain
3 IMD Switzerland
4 ESADE Spain
5 IESE Spain
6 HEC Paris France
7 SDA Bocconi Italy
8 Rotterdam School of Management Netherland
9 Vlerick Business School Belgium
10 Mannheim Business School Germany



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 London Business School UK
2 Cambridge University UK
3 Oxford University UK
4 University of Manchester UK
5 Imperial College UK
6 City University London UK
7 Cranfield University UK
8 University of Edinburgh UK
9 Lancaster University UK
10 University of Warwick UK



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 University of Toronto Canada
2 McGill University Canada
3 York University Canada
4 University of Western Ontario Canada
5 University of British Columbia Canada
6 Queens University Canada
7 University of Alberta Canada



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Hong Kong UST China
2 IIM Ahmedabad India
3 IIM Calcutta India
4 Indian School of Business India
5 National University Singapore Singapore
6 CEIBS China
7 University of Hong Kong China
8 Nanyang Technological University Singapore
9 Chinese University of Hong Kong China
10 Peking University China



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Australian Graduate School of Management Australia
2 University of Melbourne Australia
3 Macquarie Graduate School of Management Australia
4 Queensland Institute of Tech Australia
5 Bond University Australia

Executive MBAs (EMBA) have gained more popularity as more people are choosing to work and study at the same time in order to prevent interruptions in their career. Here is a quick guide on the EMBA


Rank Name of Institution(s) Course Score
1 Columbia – London Business School EMBA-Global 100
2 IE Business School Global Executive MBA 99.6
3 HEC-NYU-LSE Trium Global EMBA 99
4 The Wharton School Wharton MBA for Executives 98.3
5 Tsinghua University – INSEAD Tsinghua-INSEAD EMBA 98
6 Ceibs Global EMBA 97
7 UCLA (Anderson) – NUS UCLA-NUS EMBA 96
8 IESE Global Executive MBA 95
9 Oxford University Executive MBA 94
11 Columbia University Executive MBA 93
12 Cornell University Executive MBA 92.5
13 Georgetown University Executive MBA 92
14 ESSEC-Mannheim Executive MBA 91.4
15 University of Texas at Austin Executive MBA 90.5
16 ESADE Executive MBA 90.1
17 City University London Executive MBA 90
18 Purdue University Executive MBA 89
19 Duke University Duke MBA – Global Executive 88
20 National University Singapore Asia-Pacific EMBA 87
21 Imperial College Executive MBA 86
22 Kellogg – York University (Schulich) Kellogg-Schulich EMBA 85
23 Rice University Rice MBA for Executives 84
24 Emory University Weekend EMBA 83.2
25 University of Maryland (Smith) Smith EMBA 82
26 University of St Gallen EMBA HSG 81
27 Texas A & M University (Mays) Texas A&M EMBA 80
28 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Executive MBA 79.4
29 Bath University Executive MBA 79
30 University of Florida Executive MBA 78
31 Case Western Reserve University Executive MBA 77
32 Toronto – St. Gallen Omnium Global Executive MBA 76
33 Ohio State University Executive MBA 75
34 EM LYON Executive MBA 74.3
35 University of Rochester Executive MBA 74
36 Grenoble International Executive MBA 73.4
37 University of Western Ontario Ivey EMBA 73
38 University of Toronto One year EMBA 72
41 Cranfield University Executive MBA 69.6
42 University of Miami UM EMBA 69
43 Tulane University Executive MBA 68.5
44 Temple University Executive MBA 68
45 University of Nottingham Executive MBA 67
46 University of Pittsburg Executive MBA 66.5
47 University of Wisconsin Executive MBA 66.2
48 University of Lancaster Global Executive MBA 66
49 University of Leeds Executive MBA 65.4
50 Durham University Executive MBA 65.1


What is an Executive MBA?
Executive MBA, or EMBA, is an MBA degree for people employed in managerial positions. Students continue working while completing the degree, as the programme is meant to complement their real-world experiences and hone add-on skills.

The MBA and EMBA
Both MBA and EMBA are business degrees. The only difference is in the kind of students they teach, how they are taught and their duration.
* While both the MBA and EMBA require graduates, work experience is highly recommended for an MBA, but is compulsory for an EMBA. Some EMBA courses ask for at least five years’ experience and some others are meant only for those in certain managerial posts.
* An MBA degree is taught fulltime. The EMBA has classes on weekends and weeknights in order to accommodate the schedules of executives. Some EMBAs may also be conducted online.
* An MBA degree typically takes two years to complete. An EMBA might take less than two years to finish. This, however, depends on the institute offering the programme.
* There is a notion that an EMBA, because it does not require full-time study, is not as valuable or meaningful as an MBA. This is incorrect. An EMBA has equal worth and is also highly regarded.
* Some companies fund an EMBA qualification for their employees. Employees with high potential and leadership skills are usually sponsored to do an EMBA programme.


Modules taught in an EMBA course are the same as in an MBA programme. These are usually:
• Business economics
• Human resources
• Finance and accounting
• Marketing
• Operations management
• Strategic management
• Business laws
Additional modules and subjects may be taught as per the curriculum of individual institutes.

Candidates accepted into an EMBA programme are usually in the midstage of their career or at a higher level. As with an MBA, the EMBA also accepts graduates in any field. It is not just businessmen and executives who study for an EMBA, even doctors and lawyers are known to have EMBAs against their name.

* Acceptance rates into EMBA programmes are higher than those of traditional MBA programmes
* EMBA candidates need not take the GMAT
* EMBAs accommodate busy schedules of working executives, thus ensuring work and study happen in tandem

* Loss of free time as work and study fill up schedules
* Fewer EMBA programmes than MBA programmes, so less choice for aspiring students
* EMBAs viewed by some recruiters as inferior to MBAs owing to parttime study

An MBA degree and an EMBA degree are designed for two very different types of students. An MBA student is someone only three or five years out of college and in the nascent stages of their career. For this student, the degree is more intensive owing to lack of extensive experience. An EMBA student is someone who has been working in their field for around ten years or more, and while they have been out of touch with education, they have ample experience, which dictates that their coursework is not as intensive. However, both courses are rigorous and demanding in their own ways.
An MBA graduate and an EMBA graduate will usually apply for different kinds of jobs as they are both at different stages of their career; thus, it is unlikely that an EMBA graduate and an MBA graduate will compete for the same position.
Therefore, if you are someone who has just started working and are looking for a competitive edge, you should study for an MBA. If you are some way into your career already and are expecting to take on a senior position, an EMBA would be better suited to your needs.


Rank Name of Institution(s) Country Score 2012 Rank
1 IE Business School Spain 100 1
2 Univeristy of Florida USA 99 2
3 Imperial College UK 98 4
4 Babson College USA 97 5
5 Arizona State University USA 96.5 3
6 Drexel University USA 96 6
7 Indiana University Bloomington USA 95 8
8 George Washington University USA 94.3 7
9 Northeastern University USA 94 10
10 Thunderbird School of Global Management USA 93.6 9
11 Penn State University USA 93 13
12 University of North Carolina Chapel Hill USA 92.7 15
13 North Carolina State University USA 92.4 14
14 Temple University USA 92 12
15 Syracuse University USA 91 11
16 University of Warwick UK 90 17
17 University of Edinburgh UK 89.7 19
18 University of Strathclyde UK 89.3 16
19 University of London: Royal Holloway UK 89 18
20 University of Michigan Dearbon USA 88 22
21 Virginia Tech USA 87 21
22 Suffolk University USA 86 20
23 Pace University USA 85 23
24 University of Nebraska Lincoln USA 84 30
25 Florida State University USA 83 24
26 University of Derby UK 82.1 25
27 University of Aston UK 81.6 29
28 Hofstra University USA 80 26
29 Auburn University USA 79.5 28
30 Florida International University USA 79.1 27
31 University of Liverpool UK 78.4 32
32 University of Texas Dallas USA 78 31
33 Deakin University AUSTRALIA 77 35
34 University of Leiceste UK 76 33
35 Walden University USA 75 34
36 SBS Business School Switzerland 74 36
37 James Madison University USA 73 37
38 University of Maryland UC USA 72.5 38
39 Robert Gordon University UK 72 39
40 University of Memphis USA 71.5 43
41 University of Massachusetts – Amherst USA 71 42
42 Curtin University AUSTRALIA 70.1 40
43 Ball State University USA 69.4 41
44 Portland State University USA 69 44
45 Rowan University USA 68 45
46 Educatis Switzerland 67 47
47 Kennesaw State University USA 66 46
48 Oxford Brookes University UK 65 48
49 EUDE Spain 64 49
50 Athabasca University Canada 63 50



30% college students around the world are now pursuing online courses. according to Reports, the online MBA is the most popular online graduate degree

Online MBA programmes have become increasingly popular since it allows a professional to pursue the degree while engaged in a full-time company position. Thus an online MBA allows the student to gain both experience and an educational qualification during the same period of time. Online MBA courses have online lectures which can be attended at any time of the day.

A study conducted by the New York Times found that students pursuing an online MBA displayed better results than those pursuing a full-time MBA. A full-time MBA programme requires the student to
be physically present in the classroom for all courses and a distance learning programme may need occasional visits while an online MBA has no such requirements.

All-online programmes: The all-online course does not require the student to visit the campus of the institute for any purpose. All educational course material is made available online.
Combination programmes: Combination courses are a blend of distance learning and online MBA where some courses are completed online and few in a classroom.

* It is extremely convenient since it just requires a computer with an internet connection; no travel time or costs required
* The student is free to attend the lectures at any time of the day – morning, after work, during an office lunch break, etc
* The admission policy is less rigid as compared to full-time MBA courses so it is easier to attain admission The drawb acks
* Online MBA courses require completion of a certain number of log-in hours in order to complete the course
*The lack of classroom debates and conferences deprives the experience of learning from peers
* The biggest disadvantage is the lack of networking since there is no interaction with professionals from their field during the online course

By itself, an online MBA may lose preference when compared with a full-time MBA but a person with an online MBA and work experience will always have the added edge. Most importantly, an online MBA is only credible if it is recognised by national accrediting bodies. Double check the authenticity of the programme with the respective regulatory body of the country they fall under.


Rank Name of Institution Country Score 2012 Rank
1 IE Business School Spain 100 3
2 London Business School UK 99.9 1
3 Princeton University USA 99.7 2
4 London School of Economics UK 99.3 5
5 MIT USA 99 4
6 ESSEC Business School France 98.3 6
7 Oxford University UK 98 8
8 HEC Paris France 97.6 7
9 University of Texas at Austin USA 97.2 10
10 ESCP Europe Europe 97 9
11 Grenoble School of Business France 96.3 13
12 Peking University China 96 12
13 Imperial College UK 95 14
14 Texas A&M University USA 94 11
15 EDHEC Business School France 93 15
16 University of Warwick UK 92 18
17 University of St.Gallen Switzerland 91.7 17
18 Boston College USA 91 16
19 Purdue University USA 90 19
20 EMLYON Business School France 89 21
21 Vanderbilt University USA 88 20
22 City University UK 87 22
23 Cranfield University UK 86 23
24 Stockholm School of Economics Sweden 85.4 26
25 University of Illinois UC USA 85 25
26 University of Maryland College Park USA 84 28
27 University of Rochester USA 83 27
28 Washington University St Louis USA 82 24
29 Nova School of Business & Economics Portugal 81 32
30 George Washington University USA 80.5 30
31 EADA Spain 80 31
32 Rotterdam School of Management Netherlands 79.5 29
33 University of Reading UK 79 37
34 Ohio State University USA 78 34
35 University of Bath UK 77 35
36 University of Manchester UK 76 36
37 Michigan State University USA 75 33
38 Università Bocconi Italy 74 38
39 Northeastern University USA 73 45
40 Vlerick Business School Belgium 72 39
41 University of Florida USA 71 41
42 University of Utah USA 70.1 42
43 University of Lancaster UK 70 43
44 University of Arizona USA 69.3 40
45 Tulane University USA 69 49
46 University of Nottingham UK 68 46
47 University of Strathclyde UK 67 47
48 Villanova University USA 66.4 48
49 University of Colorado Denver USA 66 50
50 University College Dublin Ireland 65 44



Rank Name of Instituion Country Score 2012 Rank
1 Columbia University USA 100 3
2 Northwestern University USA 99.3 2
3 New York University USA 99 1
4 University of Bath UK 98 5
5 University of Melbourne Australia 97 6
6 Johns Hopkins University USA 96 4
7 ESCP Europe Europe 95 7
8 HEC Paris France 94 11
9 EADA Spain 93.1 12
10 University of Manchester UK 92.8 8
11 Copenhagen Business School Denmark 92.5 10
12 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands 92 9
13 ESADE Business School Spain 91 22
14 Texas A&M University USA 90 17
15 ESSEC Business School France 89 15
16 City University London UK 88 21
17 Imperial College UK 87.4 18
18 BI Norwegian Business School Norway 87 19
19 Griffith University Australia 86.5 13
20 Cranfield University UK 86 16
21 Vlerick Management School Belgium 85.5 20
22 City University of Hong Kong China 85 14
23 EBS Business School Germany 84 23
24 Maastricht University Netherlands 83 25
25 Monash University Australia 82 28
26 SKEMA Business School France 81 24
27 Clemson University USA 80 26
28 Lancaster University UK 79.5 27
29 Aalto University Finland 79 29
30 University of Strathclyde UK 78.4 30
31 University of Newcastle Australia 78 31
32 University of Nottingham UK 77.4 32
33 King’s College London UK 77 34
34 Stockholm University Sweden 76.8 35
35 Fordham University USA 76.1 37
36 Bentley University USA 76 38
37 Brunel University UK 75.8 41
38 University of Glasgow UK 75 42
39 University of Stirling UK 74 43
40 ISCTE Business School Portugal 73 33
41 University of Cincinnati USA 72 36
42 University College Dublin Ireland 71 39
43 University of Kent UK 70 44
44 University of Edinburgh UK 69.1 40
45 University of Aston UK 69 45
46 University of Sydney Australia 68 46
47 University of Leeds UK 67 47
48 University of Reading UK 66 49
49 Coventry University UK 65 50
50 Florida State University USA 64 48



Rank Name of Institution Country Score 2012 Rank
1 MIT USA 100 3
2 IE Business School Spain 99.7 2
3 London School of Economics UK 99.5 1
4 HEC Paris France 99 5
5 Rotterdam School of Management Netherlands 98 6
6 ESCP Europe Europe 97 4
7 Imperial College UK 96 9
8 ESSEC Business School France 95 10
9 EMLYON Business School France 94 7
10 Mannheim Business School Germany 93 8
11 ESADE Business School Spain 92 12
12 HHL Leipzig Graduate School Germany 91.6 11
13 University of St.Gallen Switzerland 91.3 15
14 Università Bocconi Italy 91 17
15 Thunderbird School of Global Management USA 90 18
16 Bordeaux University France 89.8 21
17 Edhec Business School France 89.2 13
18 Grenoble Graduate SOB World 89 14
19 City University London UK 88 16
20 Copenhagen Business School Denmark 87 23
21 Duke University USA 86 20
22 Vlerick Business School Belgium 85 19
23 Maastricht University Netherlands 84.3 22
24 University of Warwick UK 84 26
25 University College London UK 83.4 25
26 IAG-Louvain Belgium 83 24
27 Télécom Business School France 82 30
28 University of Bath UK 81 29
29 HEC Montreal Canada 80.1 27
30 Brunel University UK 80 28
31 Norwegian School of Economics Norway 79.3 31
32 Politecnico di Milano Italy 79 34
33 University of Cologne Germany 78 36
34 University of Edinburgh UK 77 37
35 Lancaster University UK 76 32
36 University of Strathclyde UK 74 33
37 Warsaw School of Management Poland 73.6 38
38 BI Norwegian School of Management Norway 73 42
39 University of Economics Czech Republic 72.9 35
40 University of Reading UK 72 40
41 University of Leeds UK 71 41
42 Aston University UK 70 39
43 Nyenrode Business Universiteit Netherlands 69 44
44 Shanghai Jiao Tong University China 68.4 46
45 Aarhus University Denmark 68 47
46 Antwerp Management School Belgium 67 45
47 University of Nottingham UK 66 48
48 Bradford University UK 65.7 50
49 Robert Gordon University UK 65 49
50 Catholic University of Portugal Portugal 64 43



To find what makes a world-class institution special, we quizzed current students and alumni about the quality of life in and around the campus of their B-School


Rank Name of Instituion Country
1 Columbia University USA
2 IE Business School Spain
3 Stanford University USA
4 University of Virginia USA
5 Harvard University USA
7 HEC Paris France
8 Cornell University USA
9 New York University USA
10 ESADE Spain



Rank Name of Instituion Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 Northwestern University USA
4 Dartmouth College USA
5 London Business School UK
6 INSEAD France
7 ESADE Spain
8 Cambridge University UK
9 University of Hong Kong China
10 Duke University USA



Rank Name of Instituion Country
1 IIM Ahmedabad India
2 IIM Calcutta India
3 Indian School of Business India
4 McGill University Canada
5 National University Singapore Singapore
6 University of Toronto Canada
7 University of Hong Kong china
8 Duke University USA
9 SP Jain Institute of Management India
10 Carnegie Mellon University USA



Rank Name of Insitution Country
1 II Ahmedabad India
2 University of Pennsylvania USA
3 University of Chicago USA
4 Northwestern University USA
5 Harvard University USA
6 Stanford University USA
7 Dartmouth College USA
8 Columbia University USA
9 Cornell University USA
10 National University Singapore Singapore



Rank Name of Insitution Country
1 ESADE Spain
2 London Business School UK
3 INSEAD France
4 IE Business School Spain
5 IIM Ahmedabad India
6 New York Univeristy USA
7 HEC Paris France
8 Columbia University USA
9 Cornell University USA
10 Duke Univeristy USA



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 IE Business School Spain
2 Northwestern University USA
3 ESADE Spain
4 London Business School UK
5 INSEAD France
6 University of Pennsylvania USA
7 University of Michigan Ann Arbor USA
8 IESE Spain
9 HEC Paris France
10 Carnegie Mellon University USA



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Columbia University USA
2 Harvard University USA
3 Stanford University USA
4 New York University USA
5 INSEAD France
6 Carnegie Mellon University USA
7 IE Business School Spain
9 University of Chicago USA
10 IESE Spain



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 University of Pennsylvania USA
2 University of Virginia USA
3 National University Singapore Singapore
4 University of Michigan Ann Arbor USA
5 Harvard University USA
6 Stanford University USA
7 University of Chicago USA
8 McGill University Canada
9 IESE Spain



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 Northwestern University USA
3 University of Pennsylvania USA
4 Stanford University USA
5 London Business School UK
6 Columbia University USA
7 ESADE Spain
8 INSEAD France
9 University of Chicago USA
10 University of Virginia USA



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 University of Pennsylvania USA
2 Harvard University USA
3 Stanford University USA
4 University of Chicago USA
5 Columbia University USA
6 Cornell University USA
7 Northwestern University USA
8 London Business School UK
9 INSEAD France
10 IESE Spain



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 Harvard University USA
2 Stanford University USA
3 Columbia University USA
4 London Business School UK
5 INSEAD France
6 IIM Ahmedabad India
7 Dartmouth College USA
8 University of Pennsylvania USA
9 IE Business School Spain
10 ESADE Spain



Rank Name of Institution Country
1 University of Chicago USA
2 University of Michigan Ann Arbor USA
3 University of Virginia USA
4 Harvard University USA
6 Northwestern University USA
7 Stanford University USA
8 Dartmouth College USA
9 Duke University USA
10 University of California at Berkeley USA




We chose 1,200 institutes across the world after having discussions with students, recruiters and faculty. We also consulted professional organisations such as AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB. Youth Inc’s Research Unit (YRU) also studied domestic rankings in various countries to find the best institutes. All the institutes were sent identical surveys. We then contacted current students, alumni as well as local and international recruiters and gathered specific information about the institutes.


1. Recruiter perception
Identical surveys were sent to recruiters worldwide. The recruiters were asked to rate the institutes that they were most likely to recruit from. The recruiters were also asked to rate the students they have recruited from specific business schools on several criteria including leadership potential and strategic thinking.

2. Diversity of Students

The institutes were asked to report the total number of students on campus and what percentage of the students were international and speak two or more languages. Gender diversity of the students was also considered.

3. Diversity of faculty
The institutes were asked to report the total number of faculty on campus and what percentage of the faculty was international, hold a doctorate degree and accredited with their own publishing material. Gender diversity of faculty was also considered.

4. Innovation of programmes
We considered the different ways to construct degree programmes as well as the choice students have in terms of selecting electives. 

5. Innovation in teaching methodologies 
Institutes were asked to select different teaching methodologies that we considered innovative. Some of these included company visits, dual or multiple majors and course collaborations between different departments at the institute. Our list was selected after surveying students across different campuses worldwide.

6. Value for money
We considered students and alumni opinions on whether a particular institute was perceived as ‘value for money’. We also asked institutes to state the percentage of students who received some sort of funding from the institutes.

7. Campus support
We asked the institutes, current students and alumni to select the different types of assistance provided by the student office or a similar body on campus. Our list was selected after surveying students across different campuses worldwide.

8. Career service
We asked institutes, current students and alumni about the availability and functioning of a career service cell and how active such a service was for the students. We also considered what percentage of students were actually placed through the institute’s career service cell, how long it took for such placements and what the average starting salaries were.

9. Exchange programmes
Institutes were asked to report the percentage of students that opted for exchange programmes. We also considered the exchange students present on the institute’s campus.

10. Student satisfaction
Current students and alumni were asked to rate their institutes on various factors including career services, attitude of staff and professors, location, and course content.

Actual Methodology
We sent invitations to 1,200 institutes. Institutes were provided a password using which they could send us their completed survey online. They were asked to answer questions relating to full time faculty, career service, student and programme information and all the factors listed above.
We contacted current students and alumni of the institutes and asked them to rate specific statements which were pertaining to the factors we considered in this ranking. All the institutes preferred to send the survey links to their students and alumni directly.
Over 12,000 recruiters were sent emails with a survey. The recruiter list was prepared from the responses of the institutes and also included internationally well known recruiters. The recruiters were asked to enlist institutes that they were likely to recruit from.

Information reported by recruiters – 40%

Recall of institute where to recruit from                           10%

Likelihood of recruiting from same institute again          10%

Overall satisfaction with students recruited                     10%

Satisfaction with institute career cell                                 10%

Each factor  was made up of a set of questions. The total percentage attributed to that factor was based on the average score of the responses multiplied by the assigned weightage. We then totalled the score from all factors and sorted the scores from highest to lowest. The institute with the highest score was ranked first.

Not just numbers!
After we received the total computed scores for the institutes, we subjectively analysed the data provided by the institutes, current students, alumni and recruiters. If we found discrepancies in the satisfaction scores and the subjective descriptions, we omitted the data.

Out of 1,200 institutes that were contacted, 260 institutes did not complete the survey on time or did not respond. We used publicly available information on the institutes to include them in our ranking. We also contacted current students, alumni and recruiters of these institutes and compared the data we received with the data from institutes that did participate.

Master in Finance – The programmes include the preexperience as well as the postexperience Master programmes. The ranking also includes the programmes which are recently established.
Master in Management – Certain Master of Management programmes with specialisations are also included in the ranking.
Master in Marketing – Combination courses of marketing with communication and other fields are also included in the ranking.
Online MBA – Certain factors such as campus support and exchange programmes were omitted in the factors considered for the ranking.
Executive MBA – Certain factors such as campus support and exchange programmes were omitted in the factors considered for the ranking.


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